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FORUM 2025 2 au 4 juin
Adhésion ICRA
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Les gagnants sont....
Stay current with this overview of recent significant cases and legislative changes in Canadian pensions and benefits law. This session will highlight noteworthy legal developments from the last year that will be of interest to those who deal with pension and employee benefit issues.
Michael is a partner at Lawson Lundell LLP and practices exclusively in the areas of Pensions and Employee Benefits law. He provides clients in the private and public sectors with insight and practical counsel about provincial and federal legal and regulatory issues surrounding retirement plans, employment benefits and other related human resource issues.
Michael is a member of the Joint Legal Consultative Committee for Alberta Treasury Board and Finance, and the Financial Institutions Commission (BC). He is also immediate Past Chair of the Canadian Bar Association’s National Pensions and Benefits Law Section, and a Past Chair of the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute’s National Board of Directors. Michael is recognized in Pensions and Employee Benefits law by a number of international legal publications, including Chambers Canada, Best Lawyers in Canada, and the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.
Michael Wolpert Partner Lawson Lundell LLP
Register a group of 5 or more and get 20% discount.
Location: Four Seasons, 791 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC CE Credit: Certificates confirming education hours will be offered, with which attendees may seek corresponding accreditation via their preferred regulatory body. You need to sign the attendance sheet at the registration table.
*Student pricing is available to CPBI members who have student status.
Les annulations sont acceptées 72 heures avant la tenue de l'événement. L'absentéisme ou les annulations reçues après ce délai ne seront pas remboursés.