La série des webinaires nationaux de l'ICRA

La série des webinaires nationaux de l'ICRA 

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Les webinaires nationaux de l’ICRA sont GRATUITS POUR LES MEMBRES  !

Des professionnels du monde entier se sont appuyés sur les webinaires de l’ICRA pour fournir les derniers développements sur des questions relatives aux régimes de retraite et de prestations, aux placements, à la législation et à l’innovation.  Voir, ci-dessous, la liste complète des webinaires passés et à venir. * Pour l'instant touts les enregistrements de webinaire sont en anglais seulement. Des webinaires en français sont à venir.  

Vous en voulez plus ? Consultez notre bibliothèque des vidéos sur demande provenant d’événements nationaux. Vous avez aussi accès à nos enregistrements de sessions régionales en ligne.

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National Webinar - Recent developments in pension tax legislation

Andrew Donelle from the Department of Finance (Canada) will provide an overview of proposed amendments to the tax rules applicable to unclaimed pension property, retirement compensation arrangements, permissible benefits (including annuities) that registered pension plans may provide, and more.  

This session will be more than just a technical overview of recent tax legislation. Andrew will share stories about the dynamics of why and how various tax proposals for registered plans are developed.

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National Webinar - Always faster, always higher: healthcare inflation and its impact on benefit plans

In this online session we will discuss

• How and Why Health Care Costs Consistently Rise at a Higher Rate than General Inflation

• The key drivers of healthcare costs

• The implications for benefit plans

• How plan sponsors can prepare and adapt

More details to be available soon

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National Webinar - Healthy returns: supporting employees returning after a disability leave

It can be challenging managing an employee’s return after a disability leave. It can be a tricky reintegration process when an employee is first back at work.

Sun Life partnered with Ipsos research who surveyed Canadian employers about their return to work experiences.  

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National Webinar - The Real Deal: How Real Assets can improve member outcomes in CAPs

Recently, there has been a renewed interest in Real Assets. Globally, many investment managers have acquired Real Asset investment capabilities. Within multi-asset class funds, we have seen many fund managers add strategic allocations to Real Assets.

Real Assets, which include real estate, infrastructure, and commodities, are some of the oldest investments in history. So what is driving their recent popularity?

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National Webinar - Target benefit multi-employer pension plans – a Canadian pension success story for more than 50 years

Innovation, consolidation, and accessibility in the Canadian pension landscape will lead to better retirement income security for Canadians, but there is no one-size-fits-all pension solution – it’s important for employers, unions, and members to understand different types of pension plans.

This session will review TB MEPPs in various jurisdictions and sectors in Canada, how they work and compare to other types of pension plans, along with considerations for joining a new plan.

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Webinaire national - Repenser le cancer en milieu de travail : améliorer les résultats pour les patients et travailler à l’optimisation des soins

Le cancer est devenu de plus en plus prévalent et est maintenant considéré comme une maladie chronique chez les Canadiens. L'incidence du cancer est en hausse, tandis que la survie au cancer augmente également. Le cancer affecte de plus en plus la vie de tous les Canadiens, directement ou indirectement. Dr. Gérald Batist, Directeur, Centre McGill de recherche en Cancer, Lady Davis Institute, donnera un aperçu du paysage actuel et identifiera les possibilités d'améliorer l’accès aux soins contre le cancer en milieu de travail.

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National Webinar - Foreign Withholding Tax Recovery for Canadian Pension Plans

In this session Julia Bricker and Ian Filion from WTax will be presenting on foreign withholding tax relief and recovery and how it applies to Canadian pension funds. The session will cover major issues faced by Canadian pensions, common misconceptions held about entitlements and responsibilities, and will include data to illustrate where most Canadian pensions tend to not maximize their reclaim potential.

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National Webinar - Cancer in the workplace: New work and new urgency

Cancer is a significant and growing issue for workplaces. More than one-third of new cancer cases are diagnosed in working-age men, and 45% occur in working-age women. Caregiving adds another burden, especially since more than 4,000 children and youth will be diagnosed with cancer this year. More than one-third of new cancers are preventable, and comorbidities are common. New therapies have steadily improved survivorship, but Covid-related health system delays are expected to create a spike in later-stage cancer diagnoses.

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Showcase series: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Canada Life Sustainable Target Date Funds will allow you to capitalize on two demands – the demand for target date funds that are simple yet sophisticated and the growing demand for responsible investing options. The new sustainable portfolios will be purpose driven, performance focused, and will be managed by a globally recognized target date fund manager with strong ESG resources and expertise.

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National Webinar - Rethinking Type 2 diabetes in the workplace - Why it matters to Benefits Advisors/Employers

Diabetes affects 1 in 10 Canadians & the number of Canadians living with diabetes is expected to rise over the next decade. Uncontrolled Diabetes leads to increased risk of developing a number of co-morbidities. These complication directly impact the lives of those living with Diabetes & is the big driver of workplace disability claims. Learn more from Dr. Akshay Jain about proven innovative treatments that support a more holistic approach to diabetes management and the evidence behind the Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines.

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National Webinar - Members Coming Back to Work after Retiring

In this presentation, Heather Arden and Sonia Massicotte, Consultants at PBI Actuarial Consultants will discuss these questions and look at various options for plans to accommodate the new rules following changes to the Income Tax Act regarding contributions for retired members.

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Showcase series: Canada Life's Sustainable Target Date Funds- an innovative offering for the group market
Canada Life Sustainable Target Date Funds will allow you to capitalize on two demands – the demand for target date funds that are simple yet sophisticated and the growing demand for responsible investing options. The new sustainable portfolios will be purpose driven, performance focused, and will be managed by a globally recognized target date fund manager with strong ESG resources and expertise.

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National Webinar -  Biosimilar Policy to Practice: Key Learnings, Existing Resources and Projected
This session will provide you with a “how to” roadmap of resources, patient friendly communications and feedback/ results from those who have implemented transition policy.

Our panelists will share their story and results from their first-hand experience in planning, communicating, implementing and/ or monitoring transition policy in Canada.

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National Webinar -  Bridging the Gap (EN ANGLAIS)
In Canada, generic medicines are dispensed to fill 73% of all prescriptions but there is a wide discrepancy between public and private sector generic utilization. Public sector drug plan generic utilization rates average 77% while the average for private sector plans is only 65%. This panel discussion will review the potential savings through increasing generic utilization, how plan sponsors can increase utilization of generics, and the impact of implementing changes.

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National Webinar -  How will COVID-19 Impact Disability Claims (EN ANGLAIS)

In this webinar, Dan Licoppe, Manager, Life and Disability Claims at johnston group will explore how COVID-19 has impacted short term and long-term disability claims incidence and duration. Participants will also learn how employee mental health has been impacted; solutions to support employees remain at work and return to work; and the key factors to consider when choosing a provider to work with given these new challenges.

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National Webinar - Santé mentale : de l’innovation technologique au progrès humain

Au Canada, la santé mentale représente 30 % des cas d’invalidité mais 70 % des coûts. Et la situation risque d’empirer après la pandémie. Dans ce contexte, entreprises et assureurs doivent faire un effort concerté pour innover dans tous les volets du continuum, de la prévention au traitement. Mais de quelle innovation parle-t-on ?

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National Webinar -  Mental health: from technological innovation to human progress  (EN ANGLAIS)

Mental health accounts for 30% of disability cases in Canada, but 70% of costs. And the situation may well get worse after the pandemic. Businesses and insurers must make a concerted effort to innovate across the board from prevention to treatment. But what kind of innovation are we talking about? 

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National Webinar - The key to building and maintaining a strong workplace culture (the Employee Engagement Fad) (EN ANGLAIS)

In webinar Jane Helbrecht, Partnera at Acuity HR Solutions will discuss how to build and maintain a strong workplace culture through discussing the 6 things that you think impact a strong engaged workplace culture (but don’t) and the one thing that does .

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National Webinar - The Link Between Financial Literacy & Wellness  (EN ANGLAIS)

Improved financial health is the key to improving personal wellness, and the most effective method is through incentive programs. People are motivated by rewards, and that initial motivation can lead to long-term change. The use of incentive programs designed to connect and appreciate participants’ intrinsic motivators is a valuable tool to promote financial health and to help them sustain lifelong health practices.

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National Webinar - Canadian venture capital – should that be a part of your investment portfolio? (EN ANGLAIS)
During this webinar, Christopher Walker, principal at Harbourvest Partners, will explain what Canadian venture capital is, present some history on the asset class, and some compelling information on why it should be a part of your investment portfolio.

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National Webinar - Globalization and the Rising Rates of Kidnapping (EN ANGLAIS)

Globalization has normalized business travel. With kidnapping rates rising worldwide, organizations have a duty of care responsibility to provide insurance protection to employees travelling to at-risk countries. In this live webinar, Sutton’s Vice President of Special Risk outlines the global issues that highlight an employer’s duty to provide AD&D and Kidnap insurance to its business travellers and expatriate employees.

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National Webinar - Multi Employer Pension Plan (EN ANGLAIS)
In this webinar, Brian McClennon  President & CEO, Link Investment Management will discuss how MEPs bring economies of scale and centralization that significantly improve the attractiveness of offering a registered pension plan. As well, he will explain how Technology can also aid in making pension plans more accessible through automation, simplification, and efficiencies. This is particularly important in an environment where there are concerns about fees and a focus on member outcomes. 

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National Webinar - Manager Fees and the - Value for Money- Equation (EN ANGLAIS)

In this webinar we take a deep dive into investment management fees, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of various fee structures (including lesser known “refundable fees”), and the implications they each have for investors. We also question whether the industry thinks about fees in the right way and introduce the very simple, but rarely discussed, “value for money” equation.

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National Webinar - Mid-Year Forecast: Review of the Macroeconomic Environment and of the Global Equity Markets (EN ANGLAIS)

In this webinar, Kevin Leblanc, Portfolio Manager, North American markets at Hexavest, will focus on providing his views on the global macroeconomic environment, stock market valuations and how global investors are currently positioned.

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National Webinar - A Psychological Perspective to Help Employees Manage Chronic Pain (EN ANGLAIS)

In this webinar, Kenneth MacDonald, Manager, SMB, Western Canada, Morneau Shepell will use his own personal journey with chronic pain to illustrate:

  • That negative thoughts and emotions can create and exacerbate pain and other physiological symptoms
  • It’s possible to reduce chronic pain and even fully recover by looking beyond traditional physical therapies and prescription drugs
  • Tools and resources available to employers 

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National Webinar - The Biologics Savings Partnership - Getting to the Bottom of How to Save on Biologics (EN ANGLAIS)
Biologics continue to be a significant cost in providing health benefits. Biosimilars are representing limited cost savings compared to expectations. This webinar will examine the medical, patient & payer reasons why savings with biosimilars have been limited and discuss strategies that can realize savings.

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National Webinar - 10 Steps to Ensure Group Retirement Plan Success  (EN ANGLAIS)

During this presentation Rob Mitchell, Manager Group Retirement Services at Gallagher Benefit Services, will discuss 10 critical components that should be reviewed and monitored annually. He will provide you with the tools and resources to evaluate your ROI to help define the success of your plan and provide path to ongoing success.

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National Webinar- Biosimilars: To Switch or Not To Switch (EN ANGLAIS)

This session will look at Canada's progress with biosimilar adoption and what public/private payors are doing to support their introduction into the Canadian healthcare environment.

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National Webinar - 2019 Forecast: Review of the Macroeconomic Environment and of the Global Equity Markets (EN ANGLAIS)

In this webinar, Kevin Leblanc, Portfolio Manager, North American markets at Hexavest, will focus on providing his views on the global macroeconomic environment, stock market valuations and how global investors are currently positioned.

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National Webinar - Longevity Risk – Practical Considerations (EN ANGLAIS)

Tom Ault and Vivian Lee will delve into what longevity risk is and how it manifests itself in pension plans and how it compares to the other risks within the plan. He will discuss practical innovative steps that sponsors can take to understand, measure and ultimately manage the longevity risk within their plan. The presentation will draw on the practical experiences and analysis performed by Canadian pension plan sponsors as well as global case studies on how to manage longevity risk.

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National Webinar- Workplace Mental Health: Best Practices for Successful RTW (EN ANGLAIS)

This webinar focuses on practical and appropriate training options for managers and best practices for implementing RTW plans specifically related to mental health challenges, including options and considerations for workplace accommodations. To facilitate learning, case studies will be reviewed to highlight best practices to reduce disability durations and improve successful outcomes.

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National Webinar- Absence Management - Employer Challenges and Best Practices (EN ANGLAIS)

In this webinar, Dan Licoppe, manager Life and Disability Claims with Johnston Group, will focus on the increasing complexities with disabilities and the impact on employers. He will also discuss solutions and best practices for employers, whether they are managing absences themselves, or working with an external partner.

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Review of the Macroeconomic Environment and of the Global Stock Market (EN ANGLAIS)
In this webinar, Mark-Olivier McNulty, VP, Clients Services & Business Development, Canadian Market at Hexavest - a global equity investment firm which uses a top-down analysis - will focus on providing his views on the global macroeconomic environment, stock market valuations and how global investors are currently positioned.

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Square Peg Meet Round Hole: Is your EAP Future-Ready (EN ANGLAIS)

In this session, Sean Slater, Executive Vice President-Sales and Marketing, Homewood Health,  discusses how considering changes to your EAP plan design will deliver a program that more appropriately fits your organization’s needs today, and into the future. 

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Build or Buy - Is OCIO right for your Fund (EN ANGLAIS)

This session offers an introduction to one of the fastest growing trends in the investment industry - the move to Outsourced Chief Investment Office (OCIO) services

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Legislative Updates  (EN ANGLAIS)

You won’t want to miss this session. Manulife legislative experts, Tania Alfonsi and Ralph Castelli, offers insights into recent legislative changes and answer any questions you have.

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Keeping drug plans sustainable through unparalleled growth (EN ANGLAIS)

In this session Barbara Martinez, Practice Leader, Benefits Solutions, The Great-West Life Assurance Company   updates you on the latest drug spending trends – what new drugs are driving drug plan spending, what new market forces are in place and what can plan sponsors do to keep their drug plans affordable and sustainable. 

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National Webinar - Cancer in the workplace: New work and new urgency

Cancer is a significant and growing issue for workplaces. More than one-third of new cancer cases are diagnosed in working-age men, and 45% occur in working-age women. Caregiving adds another burden, especially since more than 4,000 children and youth will be diagnosed with cancer this year. More than one-third of new cancers are preventable, and comorbidities are common. New therapies have steadily improved survivorship, but Covid-related health system delays are expected to create a spike in later-stage cancer diagnoses.

National Webinar - Cancer in the workplace: New work and new urgency

Cancer is a significant and growing issue for workplaces. More than one-third of new cancer cases are diagnosed in working-age men, and 45% occur in working-age women. Caregiving adds another burden, especially since more than 4,000 children and youth will be diagnosed with cancer this year. More than one-third of new cancers are preventable, and comorbidities are common. New therapies have steadily improved survivorship, but Covid-related health system delays are expected to create a spike in later-stage cancer diagnoses.

National Webinar - Cancer in the workplace: New work and new urgency

Cancer is a significant and growing issue for workplaces. More than one-third of new cancer cases are diagnosed in working-age men, and 45% occur in working-age women. Caregiving adds another burden, especially since more than 4,000 children and youth will be diagnosed with cancer this year. More than one-third of new cancers are preventable, and comorbidities are common. New therapies have steadily improved survivorship, but Covid-related health system delays are expected to create a spike in later-stage cancer diagnoses.

National Webinar - Cancer in the workplace: New work and new urgency

Cancer is a significant and growing issue for workplaces. More than one-third of new cancer cases are diagnosed in working-age men, and 45% occur in working-age women. Caregiving adds another burden, especially since more than 4,000 children and youth will be diagnosed with cancer this year. More than one-third of new cancers are preventable, and comorbidities are common. New therapies have steadily improved survivorship, but Covid-related health system delays are expected to create a spike in later-stage cancer diagnoses.

National Webinar - Cancer in the workplace: New work and new urgency

Cancer is a significant and growing issue for workplaces. More than one-third of new cancer cases are diagnosed in working-age men, and 45% occur in working-age women. Caregiving adds another burden, especially since more than 4,000 children and youth will be diagnosed with cancer this year. More than one-third of new cancers are preventable, and comorbidities are common. New therapies have steadily improved survivorship, but Covid-related health system delays are expected to create a spike in later-stage cancer diagnoses.

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