CPBI Pacific is proud to present...Vaccines 101: You don’t know what you don’t knowDecember 8, 2020 - ONLINE 8AM-9AM PST | 11AM-12PM EST |
Over the past one hundred years vaccinations have been lauded as one of the greatest interventions in public health. This is apparent more than ever today with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the entire world. With a vaccine race to develop an effective vaccine against COVID-19 underway across the globe - what other infectious diseases should we be protecting ourselves against? Unfortunately, most adults are not up to date on the recommended and immunizations. Immunization "gaps" can put employees, their co-workers, and their families at risk of vaccine preventable disease. Attend this informative presentation on vaccinations to see what vaccines you should be considering for yourself and providing as a benefit on your health plan. |
 | Ajit Johal has been providing immunizations and clinical education since 2012. As a community pharmacist, he is an accessible provider of immunizations to patients in the community. In 2018, he started an organization called immunize.io, with a mission statement of "taking our best shot at immunizing the world". Through "immunize.io" he has worked with numerous organizations and communities to address “vaccine hesitancy” and improve access to vaccinations. He champions community pharmacists as leaders of immunization services, in particular in the area of recommended but "unfunded" vaccines. Ajit is also a clinical instructor for the University of British Columbia Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Program. At UBC he coordinates the elective course for UBC Pharmacy students in the area of travel health and immunizations. |
Ajit JohalBSc. Pharmacy, RPh, BCPP, CTH, Clinical Director at Immunize.io |
CE Credit: Certificates of Attendance confirming education hours will be offered, with which attendees may seek corresponding accreditation via their preferred regulatory body. |
We hope to see you there ! |
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