Do you know what is in your Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance?

Do you know what is in your Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance?

11 mars 2021 10h00 à 11h00Online - PST
Champs d’intérêt: Retraite, Investissement, Réseautage Format: Activité en ligne

  March 11, 2021 - ONLINE 


Investors have steadily increased their commitment to ESG-focused strategies in recent years, but that rapid growth has not been matched by clear communication about the different approaches that various managers apply within the space. In short, many end ESG investors don’t really understand what it is that they own. In this presentation, we provide an explanation of three key approaches to ESG investing, and arm you with questions to ensure you match your own goals with that of your manager.

More information to come!


Catherine Heath, CFA

Vice President, Portfolio Manager 
Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.

Lisa Meger, CFA

Portfolio Manager 
Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.

CE Credit: Certificates of Attendance confirming education hours will be offered, with which attendees may seek corresponding accreditation via their preferred regulatory body.

We hope to see you there !

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CPBI Pacific Region 


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Membre25,00 $CDN
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