2010 CPBI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients
The CPBI’s extensive calendar of events and library of resources are possible thanks to its many dedicated volunteers located throughout the CPBI’s eight Regions across Canada.On behalf of the CPBI Board of Directors, Regional Councils and National Office, we would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for their involvement and contribution to the Institute:

Helen Anderson
CPBI Atlantic Region
Consultant, Anderson & Associates Financial Consulting Inc.
As a CPBI member, Helen has held various positions as part of the Atlantic Regional Council, including chair, vice-chair, marketing, and National Board member. She and Sherry Lee Gregory organized the first Atlantic Regional Conference in 2003, and Helen has since been involved in the Program Committee of the majority of subsequent conferences in the Atlantic Region, including co-chair of the CPBI National Conference in St. John’s, Nfld. In 2006 and 2007, Helen was the Atlantic Region’s board representative. Her distinguished service continues with her current role as co-chair of FORUM 2010.

Barry Noble
CPBI Ontario Region
Vice-President, GSRS Distribution, group savings and retirement solutions, Manulife Financial
Barry has been instrumental in promoting the CPBI through his sponsorship drives for both conferences and the Benefit Ball. Through his very successful efforts of attracting sponsors, the 2009 Conference and Benefit Ball had both excellent attendance and financial results. The 2010 Conference sponsorships are selling very well under Barry’s guidance. In addition, Barry has actively promoted CPBI events in the insurance industry through direct email campaigns to the small business sector.

Donna McPherson
CPBI Manitoba Region,
Senior Account Executive, Great-West Life Assurance Company
Donna joined the CPBI Manitoba Regional Council in 2005 and chaired the Membership Committee for two years. During her time on the Manitoba Regional Council, it undertook a membership survey that has allowed the council to improve programming and marketing initiatives. Donna is the current program chair, a position she has really enjoyed. Donna has been an enthusiastic member and a key contributor to CPBI’s forward momentum.

Janet Folk
CPBI Saskatchewan Region
General Manager, Pension & Benefits, City of Regina
Janet has been a member of CPBI since 1995 and became a member of the Regional Council in 2000. She was active on many committees, including the Education and Nominating Committees and spearheaded a Selection Committee in the hiring of a new regional administrator in 2008. Janet was the Saskatchewan representative on the National Board from 2005 to 2006 and worked with the board to improve relations between the regions and the National Board. Janet also participated in strategic development, which included the reinstatement of the National FORUM, and chaired the Saskatchewan Region from 2007 to 2009. Janet left the Regional Council in May after serving as past-chair over the last year.

Dave Ericson
CPBI Southern Alberta Region
Employee Benefits Advisor, Renfrew Insurance
Dave began working with the Regional Council in 2001 by chairing the Venue Committee for the Banff Conference. In 2002, he joined the council and worked on the Program Committee and chaired it the following year. In 2005, Dave became the Regional Council chair and Conference Committee chair with Deb Corrol, and continued his work as chair on the Venue Committee. He quickly became the region’s AV guy. In 2006, Dave chaired the Golf Committee and was the South Alberta representative on the National Governance Committee. In July 2007, he ended his term as Regional Council chair, he remained as Golf Committee chair (working on the “Beat the Schmo” event) and started the Communications Committee. In 2009, Dave remained chair of the Communications Committee and the “Beat the Schmo” event but retired from the council.

Gilbert Heise
CPBI Northern Alberta Region
Retired 2004, Government of Alberta
Gilbert became a member of the CPBI in 1988 and was elected to the North Alberta Council in 1996. He also served as secretary for the council in 1998 and treasurer in 2001. He retired from the council in 2004. During his time on council, Gilbert organized and hosted eight breakfast seminars. His establishment of the CPBI Northern Alberta financial reporting practices has ensured the financial stability of the region.

Eileen Beadle
CPBI Pacific Region
National Partner, Mercer
Eileen is past-chair of the Pacific chapter of the CPBI. She has served on the Pacific Regional Council since 2000 and has never shied away from putting her name forward to head up a committee. She was the chair of the council from 2004 to 2006 and was the first chair to serve a two-year term. The two-year term set the standard for other chairs to follow as the longer duration allowed for greater initiatives to be started and completed. During her time on the council, she has helped the marketing committee organize numerous successful Member Education days, which provided a full day of quality education in a non-conference year. Eileen’s contribution to the council has been invaluable as she was always quick to draw from her company’s resources and experience. When Eileen said she would do something, you were guaranteed that the job would be completed and completed well.