| | Access to FREE ONLINE LEARNING: learning content exclusive to members. FREE ONLINE LEARNING is the go-to place for members with online recordings available free of charge to members on the CPBI website, updated weekly. Much of this content is CE accredited. | |
 | | In-person and online event discounts. CPBI members can register for webinars, sessions and a variety of in-person events at discounted rates of up to 35% off. That also includes conferences, the Fundamentals series and more. | |

| | Free National Webinars. With access to subject-matter experts in every province, CPBI produces must-see webinars on a variety of benefits, retirement savings and pension investment topics. Members can participate in as many as they like throughout the year, at no charge. | |
| | Networking made easy. CPBI delivers relevant, high-quality events that are perfect for networking in your region and across the country. All year-round. | |

| | Free access to CPBI Members' Directory. Enjoy free access to our membership directory. It includes more than 2,000 member listings, with job titles, areas of specialty and contact information. | |
| | Discounts on job postings for your organization. Your career opportunity will be visible on the CPBI website for a 60 days period and will be viewed by more than 5000 visitors! Members get a $50 discount for themselves or their organization when they post a job on our website. | |

| | Free career appointment announcements on CPBI’s website and in its newsletter. Get the word out when you make a move, or when someone takes on a new role in your organization. Appointment announcements are free for CPBI members. So is CPBI’s excellent monthly email newsletter. | |

| | Complimentary CE credits. CPBI is the one-stop-shop for your continuing education credit needs. Our accredited content is professionally developed and availble to CPBI members at no charge via the new website section "FREE ONLINE LEARNING". | |
| | Discounts and perks with affiliated partners. Expand your expertise with advantages from our partners exclusively for CPBI members, including CEBS, HRPA, Perkopolis, UPS, Benefits & Pension Monitor and more. | |

| | Job Alert Emails Receive e-mail notifications about new job opportunities directly in your inbox. | |

| | Make a difference as a CPBI volunteer. Since 1960, CPBI has brought together volunteers in with a variety of expertise in Canada’s benefits and pension industry. Become a members and help shape the future of the industry! | |
 | | It’s a great deal. A CPBI regular individual membership is just $345* plus tax. Students can join CPBI for just $35* plus tax. Industry retirees can purchase an associate membership for just $60* plus tax. Any of these yearly investments in CPBI is an investment in yourself. | |