2017 Recipients

2017 CPBI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients 

The CPBI’s extensive calendar of events and library of resources are possible thanks to its many dedicated volunteers located throughout the CPBI’s eight Regions across Canada.
On behalf of the CPBI Board of Directors, Regional Councils and National Office, we would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for their involvement and contribution to the Institute:  

Don Ash

CPBI Atlantic Region 
Executive Director (retired), Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association 

Don Ash has been a long-time member and supporter of CPBI. He served nine terms on the Atlantic Council, and for many years was the only Council member on the ground in St. John’s. He was often a one man-show, working the registration desk, introducing the speakers and even bringing the projector! Don co-chaired the first Atlantic Regional Conference in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2013. He consistently waved the CPBI flag, promoting attendance at events and encouraging others to join in.

Don holds a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) and a Bachelor of Education from Memorial University, along with a MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University. He has a Certificate in Industrial Relations from Queens University and the Advanced Trustee Management Standards with the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. Don was Executive Director of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (retiring August 31, 2016) having joined the NLTA staff in 1999 after 17 years as a classroom teacher and school administrator, and two years in HR (salary administration) with Amoco Canada Petroleum Company in Calgary. In addition to being the NLTA’s Chief Negotiator / Spokesperson throughout the process that established the Teachers’ Pension Plan Reform Agreement, the Joint Sponsorship Agreement, and the TPP Pension Corporation, Don sits on the Pension Investment Committee of the Province’s Pooled Pension Fund and served on its Pension Administration Committee. Don also serves on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Teachers Federation.

Cam MacNeish

CPBI Ontario Region
Senior Retirement ConsultantBFL CANADA 

Cam has over 30 years of experience in the pension industry. Cam has worked as a pension consultant with large consulting firms such as Mercer, Towers Watson (now Willis Towers Watson) and Eckler. Most recently, Cam has taken a role as a Senior Retirement Consultant for BFL Canada, where he provides consulting advice in respect of a full range of pension and retirement programs.

Cam has been a long time, passionate supporter of CPBI Ontario. In fact, he was Chair of the Ontario Regional Council in 1996-1997.  More recently, he rejoined Council for another term, during which he was critically involved with all membership driven activities, leading the Region’s Membership and Marketing Committee. Under Cam’s leadership, the Region began to publish a periodic membership newsletter, reaching out to members in a more personal and meaningful way. Cam was also the Region’s representative on the National Membership Working Group.

Elizabeth (Liz) Farler

CPBI Manitoba Region 

Liz Farler began her career in pension and benefits in 1980 when she was hired at Turnbull and Turnbull Consulting Actuaries as a Benefits Processor.  From Turnbull, she went to work for Manitoba Health Organizations, Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund and the Winnipeg School Division.

Liz retired from the Manitoba Government and General Employees Union (MGEU)where she was their pension and benefit specialist.

Liz joined CPBI Manitoba Council in 2011. She was a member of the membership committee for 2 years, co-chaired the program committee for 4 years.  She has co-chaired both the pension and benefits fundamentals as well as being a member of the benefits fundamentals committtee in 2017. Liz has been a speaker four times for fundamentals presentations.

Liz has been Vice-Chair of CPBI Manitoba for two years and has been Chair for two years, also agreeing to remain as Chair for an additional two years.

Glenda Schlosser

CPBI Saskatchewan Region
Manager, Pension & Disability Administration, Mobius Benefit Administrators Inc.

Glenda became a CPBI member in 2006 and joined CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council in 2009. Glenda immediately jumped in as a member of Executive Council as our Treasurer and has held that role throughout her tenure. Glenda was a driving force in our Council achieving financial stability.

In addition, Glenda has been an active member on several committees including, Finance and Audit, Professional Development, and Conference Planning.

Glenda is always willing to lend a helping hand no matter what the task is that needs to be completed. Through her many industry contacts, she has been instrumental in assisting the Council with many of the speakers we have enjoyed over the past years. She is a silent leader that never gets too emotional about things and is likely to bring levity to a difficult sitation. 

Even as Glenda prepares to leave Council, she is busy recruiting a new person to fill her vacancy. This really speaks to the diligence Glenda has for the work that she does, and her commitment to the success of CPBI Saskatchewan.

Sharon Vogrinetz

CPBI Northern Alberta Region
Assistant Executive Secretary, The Alberta Teachers’ Association

Sharon first got involved with CPBI when Peggy Corner asked her to assist with the Forum when it was in Edmonton in 2002. The following year Sharon was hired at the Alberta Teachers’ Association from 2003-2004. Sharon was then Treasurer with CPBI Alberta North until 2012. As well she became Vice-Chair from 2012-2016 and then Co-Chair of Western Conference in both 2010, 2016-2017 and was the Co-chair of the Western Conference in 2018. 

Carleen Kay

CPBI Southern Alberta Region 
HR Advisor, Husky Energy Inc.

Susan Richards

CPBI Pacific Region
Regional Director, Client Relationships at Sun Life Financial

Donald Forbes

Business Development | Leader | Strategist


Morneau Shepell

May 2011 – November 2015 (4 years 7 months)Calgary, Alberta

Part of leadership of the Health Benefits Retirement practice. Duties included business development, staff management, small/mid steering and operations teams. Developed and implemented strategic plans to meet overall financial objectives. Leveraged relationships with brokers and MGAs who wanted to grow and retain their group business, including use of advisory councils. Identified channel partners who could add product and service solutions to their business. Launched a web portal for voluntary and conversion products.

Senior Retirement Consultant



Nomination Process


Nomination Process

See also

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