2016 Recipients

2016 CPBI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients 

The CPBI’s extensive calendar of events and library of resources are possible thanks to its many dedicated volunteers located throughout the CPBI’s eight Regions across Canada.
On behalf of the CPBI Board of Directors, Regional Councils and National Office, we would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for their involvement and contribution to the Institute:  

Virginia Wickstrom

CPBI Atlantic Region
Human Resources Manager, University of Prince Edward Island 

Virginia has been an active Council member since 2012 and has been instrumental in providing support to the growth and promotion of CPBI in Atlantic, as well as in providing input to our event programming since that time.  While on Council she served as Vice-Chair from 2014-15 as well as Co-Chairing two Regional Conferences (in 2014 and 2015) where she provided excellent leadership and organization in the planning and execution, both of which received excellent feedback from our delegates. Virginia has upheld the goals and mission of CPBI by her input and contributions both as a representative of her province and as a plan sponsor. Virginia is the Human Resources Manager at the University of Prince Edward Island where she oversees the various employee services and benefits for the employees of the university.

Christine Van Staden

CPBI Ontario Region
Vice-President, National Accounts, Great-West Life  

Christine has over 28 years of experience in the pension and benefits industry, both in the U.S. and Canada. In her role as Vice-President, National Accounts, Great-West Life, Christine is responsible for leading the National Accounts team in selling and retaining Group Retirement and Savings business in the large case segment through the consultant channel.

She has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Business Management from the University of Tennessee. Christine also serves in a leadership capacity with the CPBI Ontario Council as Chair of the 2016 Conference.

Christine has long been a passionate supporter of CPBI Ontario and has been a leader on Council since first joining Council four years ago. Christine previously chaired the Benefit Ball in consecutive years in 2014 and 2015. Christine has also twice chaired the annual CPBI Ontario conference. First in 2014 (Waterloo), the same year when she was also the Chair of the Benefits Ball Committee, and more recently she has led the organizing team for the challenge of hosting a joint Ontario and Quebec conference. Christine regularly attends other CPBI Ontario events and can usually be found extolling the benefits of CPBI membership to any non-member she finds at an event.

Glen Anderson

CPBI Manitoba Region
Staff Office - Benefit PlansManitoba Teachers' Society

Glen is currently the Staff Officer for Benefit Plans with The Manitoba Teachers' Society where he oversees the various benefit plans that The Manitoba Teachers' Society holds.

He has been a member of CPBI for the past 8 years and served on the Manitoba Council for the last 3 years where he has chaired the Membership and Communications committee, organizing Membership appreciation events and producing all communications on behalf of the Manitoba Council over that period.

Glen organized the member appreciation night which has been a long standing initiative that the Council has wanted to do. He's willing to assit where needed and is diligent about attending the Council meetings.

Trina Kistner

CPBI Saskatchewan Region
Account Executive, Group Benefits, Sun Life Financials 

Trina is a Group Life and Health Specialist with more than 17 years of Group Life and Health industry experience and a solid track record for building strong partnerships with advisors and clients. 

Trina has been a member of CPBI since 2005 and joined the council in 2007. Trina has participated on many of the committees over the past 9 years including programs, communication, governance, and conference.  She has served as the Secretary of Executive Council for the past 5 years and was the Chair of the very successful 2015 Saskatchewan Regional Conference – Connections & Creativity. She has done a fantastic job as hotel liaison for the 2016 conference as well.

Donald Forbes

CPBI Southern Alberta
Principal - Morneau Shepell

Donald is part of the leadership of the Health Benefits Retirement practice. His duties included business development, staff management, small/mid steering and operations teams. He developed and implemented strategic plans to meet overall financial objectives. He has also leveraged relationships with brokers and MGAs who wanted to grow and retain their group business, including use of advisory councils. He also launched a web portal for voluntary and conversion products.

A few highlights from his time at CPBI:

  • Joined the CPBI in 2001
  • Joined the regional Council in 2005
  • Currently co-chairs the Sponsorship Committee and also co-chairs the Membership Committee
  • Plus he is a member of Social Committee and is a key organizer of our annual Golf Day.

His advice to someone looking to become more involved with CPBI? “Just do it, give something back, and make long lasting friends in the industry.”

Vanessa Roodenburg

CPBI Pacific Region
Consultant, Mercer

Donald Forbes

Business Development | Leader | Strategist


Morneau Shepell

May 2011 – November 2015 (4 years 7 months)Calgary, Alberta

Part of leadership of the Health Benefits Retirement practice. Duties included business development, staff management, small/mid steering and operations teams. Developed and implemented strategic plans to meet overall financial objectives. Leveraged relationships with brokers and MGAs who wanted to grow and retain their group business, including use of advisory councils. Identified channel partners who could add product and service solutions to their business. Launched a web portal for voluntary and conversion products.



Nomination Process


Nomination Process

See also

February 2025 E-Bulletin
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Did you catch our February E-bulletin? Here it is again incase you missed it.

January 2025 E-Bulletin
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Did you catch our January E-bulletin? Here it is again incase you missed it.

CPBI Ontario Thanks its Annual Program Partners for 2025
January 22, 2025

Thank you to all the Partners of CPBI Ontario in 2025 for their support.

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