2014 Recipients

2014 CPBI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients 

The CPBI’s extensive calendar of events and library of resources are possible thanks to its many dedicated volunteers located throughout the CPBI’s eight Regions across Canada.
On behalf of the CPBI Board of Directors, Regional Councils and National Office, we would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for their involvement and contribution to the Institute: 

David Harding

CPBI Atlantic Region 
Regional Director Atlantic - Pensions, Industrial Alliance

David Harding is Regional Director Atlantic, Pensions for Industrial Alliance where he has overseen the Pension Division for over 13 years. David has been involved in a similar capacity in the pension industry since 1982 and has experience in all facets of assisting pension clients find solutions for their corporate retirement needs. He has spent his Pension career in Atlantic Canada where he has developed a strong understanding of the unique needs and challenges of pension plan sponsors.

David is serving his sixth term on council and third year as treasurer. Over the years, he has led or helped organize a number of sessions, served on regional conference committees and organizes the conference golf. He is also proactive in trying to obtain speakers and promotes CPBI sessions to his contacts. He is always very willing to help out at sessions in any capacity. At the 2014 Regional Conference, he was recognized as having attended all ten Atlantic Regional Conferences!

David feels supporting CPBI is an important way of giving back to the pension community and is pleased to serve on the CPBI Atlantic Regional Council.

Carmen Hogan

CPBI Ontario Region 
Vice-President, Sales & Service, Green Shield Canada 

Carmen is Vice-President of Sales & Service, Green Shield Canada, one of Canada’s largest health and dental benefit providers. Previously, she was the Director of Business Development at Sun Life and Director of Sales and Service at Manulife.

With over 20 years’ experience in the benefits industry, Carmen’s unique approach to sales strategy delivers innovation with cost efficiency, and is backed by a foundation of superior customer service. She is the Past Chair of the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute (CPBI) Council, Ontario Region.

Carmen joined the CPBI Ontario Council in 2007 and has served on many committees, such as the Program Committee and the Benefit Ball Committee. As a member of the Conference Committee, Carmen contributed immensely to the delivery of the regional conference for six consecutive years: she was the chair of the Conference Program Committee, the Entertainment/Golf Committee and the Conference Committee in 2013.

Carmen was elected the Vice-Chair of CPBI Ontario Regional Council 2010, then Chair of the council from 2011 to 2012. As of 2013, she continues to serve the Ontario Region in her role as Past Chair of the Council. Furthermore, Carmen developed content for Benefits Certificate Program offered by HRPA and delivered the first sessions in the fall of 2013.

Kim Siddall

CPBI Manitoba Region 
Associate Vice-President, Aon Hewitt 

Kim has worked in the insurance and benefits consulting industry for more than 20 years, with roles in underwriting, product portfolio management, product design and consulting. She joined Aon Hewitt in 2014 as Associate Vice-President Canada in the health and benefits practice. Previously, she was a Principal at AQ Group Solutions where she specialized in client relationship management, strategic plan design, organizational health and wellness, drug plan management, global benefits management and communications. She sits on the Board of the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute as the Director for Manitoba, is a contributor to Benefits Canada and is the Vice-Chair of the Misericordia Health Centre Foundation Board in Winnipeg.

Kim joined the CPBI Manitoba Council in 2004 and has been highly involved at both the regional
(Fundamentals Committee Chair 2004, 2005; Program Committee Chair 2006, 2007; Council Chair 2008, 2009) and national level (National Director for Manitoba 2010 – present; National Board Program Committee Chair 2011 - present).

Doug Volk

CPBI Saskatchewan Region 
Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission

Doug Volk is the Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Superannuation Commission, where he is responsible for strategic planning, program design, investments, policy, and governance of the branch within the Ministry of Education that delivers pension and benefits services to teachers in Saskatchewan. Doug is an experienced industry professional, with many years of previous service in pension & benefits at various plans, including the City of Regina, Crown Life Insurance, and the Public Employees Benefits Agency.

Doug has been a member of CPBI since 2003, and the CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council has benefited from his wealth of industry knowledge since he joined Council in 2007. He has served on various committees at both the Regional and National levels, and has also shared his expertise on pension plan design as a presenter at the Pension Basics seminar. His tireless commitment has helped the Saskatchewan Region to grow its membership and brand itself as a forerunner in terms of providing educational and professional growth opportunities to members.

Doug was a key player on the planning committee that launched the first rebranded CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference, which has enjoyed great success each year since its initial launch in 2011. He was also instrumental in the establishment of a partnership between CPBI and Humber College, which provides Saskatchewan members local access to pension and benefit programs and the associated designations, as well as professional development programs for Board Trustees. Most recently, Doug completed a successful two year term as Regional Chairperson. His support and efforts on behalf of the CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council continue to be invaluable to the region.

Kristin Smith

CPBI Southern Alberta Region 
Partner, Mercer

Currently a partner at Mercer, Kristin practices in the areas of pensions, employee benefits and executive compensation, with a significant overlap with employment law matters.

She advises clients on a variety of legal and regulatory matters pertaining to pensions, employment benefits and executive and other deferred compensation plans. Kristin also provides assistance in relation to mergers and acquisitions, and works with litigation colleagues to provide support in legal suits. Kristin supports provincially and federally regulated sponsors of both single and multi-employer plans and also has experience advising clients on legal issues associated with global mobility matters. She is currently the Chair of the Southern Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute, and a member of the Alberta Regional Council for the Association of Canadian Pension Management.

As the Chair of the CPBI of Southern Alberta, Kristin has been instrumental in the region’s success. She is a guiding force that drives the council forward, ensuring targets are met with measured success. In addition, she has provided valuable support during the development and delivery of regional conferences and has volunteered to chair the upcoming 2015 regional conference.


Sinden Malinowski

CPBI Pacific Region 
Manager - Insurance, Doctors of BC (British Columbia Medical Association)

Sinden Malinowski has been a member of the Vancouver benefits community for a number of years, and currently is employed in a very busy management role at Doctors of BC (British Columbia Medical Association). There is no doubt that Sinden’s commitment to her “real job” is only matched by the contributions she has made as a volunteer with the CPBI Pacific Region.

Sinden was the Chair of the Pacific Regional Council – her two year term drew to a close in June 2014. She has been the Chair of the Continuing Education Committee for several years, a role she continued with despite the pressures associated with chairing Council. She has also been actively involved with the Compensation Committee during challenging times for our region, and has been a staunch supporter of the Conference Planning Committee, lending her expertise – and her ear! – on many an occasion during the planning of regional conferences. The region has flourished under her capable leadership.

Sinden is not only deserving of the Regional Volunteer award by virtue of the contributions she has made through investment of her time and expertise – Sinden has a special way of bringing people together that results in exceptional collaboration and results. Her diplomacy and professionalism is unmatched, she capably handles the unexpected with grace – and besides that, she’s a lot of fun! Truly, Sinden is an indispensable positive force in the Pacific Region and a vital contributor to our success.



Nomination Process


Nomination Process

See also

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