May 22, 2025 7:30 AM to 4:30 PMNorwood Hotel - Ballroom, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Area of Interest:
Pensions, Benefits, Investments
In Person
CPBI Manitoba presents a day of education sessions featuring some of industry's most prominent pension & investment professionals.
Who Should Attend?
If you are a pension plan sponsor or trustee, pension committee member, plan administrator, actuary, consultant, or a human resource professional, these sessions will be of interest to you. Whether you have been working in the pension field for some time, or if you are new to the pension industry, this is your opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals of registered pension plans.
Topics Include:
| Pension Admin Overview Actuarial & Admin Challenges Member Communications Governance & Best Practices Legal Update & Cyber Security - Panel Discussion & Q&A
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| | | 6 Continuing education credits will be offered in partnership with the Insurance Council of Manitoba, the Saskatchewan Insurance Council, or a certificate of attendance confirming education hours will be offered, with which attendees may seek corresponding accreditation via their preferred regulatory body. |
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Member - $450
Non-Member - $675
Breakfast, Lunch and Nutrition Breaks are included.