2012 Recipients

2012 CPBI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients 

The CPBI’s extensive calendar of events and library of resources are possible thanks to its many dedicated volunteers located throughout the CPBI’s eight Regions across Canada.
On behalf of the CPBI Board of Directors, Regional Councils and National Office, we would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for their involvement and contribution to the Institute:  

Dale Weldon

Dale Weldon

CPBI Altantic Region
Senior Consultant, Johnson Inc. 

Dale Weldon has been working in the insurance industry for 26 years and has spent the last 21 years working as a senior consultant in the New Brunswick office of Johnson Inc., a national employee benefits/property and casualty firm. His primary responsibilities involve providing employee benefit consulting and third-party administration advice and direction to several large educator organizations in Atlantic Canada as well as other corporate, public and union clients in New Brunswick. A graduate of UNB's Business Administration program, he concentrated in the disciplines of accounting and marketing.

Dale has been a member of the CPBI Atlantic Council since 2001, having served in a variety of roles including National Board Representative, Vice Chair of the Regional Council and Co-chair of the 2006 and 2009 Atlantic Regional Conferences, as well as participating on a number of National committees. As a member of a Council which encompasses four provinces, Dale has always assisted with sessions held in New Brunswick. Dale has been the Chair of the Sponsorship Committee for the Atlantic Regional Conference since 2006 and has been instrumental in the success achieved in garnering support from sponsors. He also assisted with the sponsorship committee for the 2010 National FORUM.

Dale’s constant support and efforts on behalf of CPBI Atlantic have been invaluable to the region.

Michael Worb

Michael Worb, B. Comm., CLU, ChFC, CFP

CPBI Ontario Region
CEO, Pal Benefits Inc.

Michael Worb is CEO of Pal Benefits Inc., a leading independent human resources consulting firm, providing clients with experience and expertise in the design, implementation, and management of employee benefits, retirement, and compensation plans. Michael is responsible for leading Pal towards achieving its goals in superior, unparalleled customer service and strong client relationships. He is a passionate industry leader and energetic speaker who is often called upon by business and media stakeholders to provide commentary and insights into the benefits world.
Michael holds leadership positions in both the business and the community, including:

As Past Chair of CPBI’s Ontario Chapter, Michael continues his involvement in this organization’s support of the pension and benefits industry through education, training, and the promotion of professional standards.

As Foundation Chair, Michael’s priority is to achieve the Foundation’s fundraising mandate so WoodGreen Community Services can expand and fulfill its mission to “promote wellness and self-sufficiency, reduce poverty and inequality, and build sustainable communities.”

Patti Malbasa

Patti Malbasa

CPBI Manitoba Region
Civil Service Superannuation Board of Manitoba

Patti Malbasa worked for Turnbull & Turnbull for 17 years and then at Aon Hewitt for 10 years. In 2008, she joined the Civil Service Superannuation Board as Manager of Communications and Client services. She obtained her CEBS designation in 2005.

Patti Malbasa joined the Manitoba Regional Council in 2009 and worked with Leslie Hambleton and Lori Mark to organize the Pension Fundamentals in 2010. She served as Program Co-chair for the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 program years.

Tracy McLean

Tracy McLean

CPBI Saskatchewan Region
Manager of Human Resources, Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation 

Tracy McLean is the Manager of Human Resources at the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation, the professional organization representing the teachers of Saskatchewan. Tracy brings over 20 years’ administrative and technical expertise in the areas of governance and policy, organizational design, compensation, pensions and benefits, and financial management to the Saskatchewan Regional Council. Tracy has been a member of CPBI for 11 years and became a member of the regional council in 2005. While serving on council, Tracy has been a very active and influential member for not only council, but the Saskatchewan region in its entirety. She freely shared her marketing expertise by chairing the Marketing and Sponsorship Committee as well as chairing the Communications Committee. As the Communications Chair, Tracy established a consistent visual identity for the region which included producing electronic newsletters to enable council to deliver its message to the region’s membership.

In 2007, Tracy moved into the role of Vice-Chair for a two year term before becoming the Chair of Saskatchewan Regional Council from 2009-2011. As the region’s Chair, Tracy was instrumental in developing and implementing a Governance and Policy Handbook that established committee terms of references, governance processes and procedures; a legacy that will benefit council for many years to come. After completing a two year term as Chair, Tracy continues to serve on council in the capacity of past chair and continues to work tirelessly to attract quality speakers to deliver presentations on relevant issues and hot topics as the Chair of the Programs & Services Committee and as a member of the Professional Development/Education and Conference Committees.

Dino Trudeau

Dino Trudeau

CPBI Southern Alberta Region
Principal, Mercer 

Dino Trudeau is a Principal, an actuary and senior consultant in the Retirement, Risk and Finance business in Mercer's Calgary office. He advises clients on broad-based pension programs and executive supplemental arrangements. Projects include pension plan design, mitigation of plan risk, as well as the valuation and disclosures required for corporate financial reporting purposes. Dino also has supported regulated entities preparing pension information for rate hearings.

Dino joined Mercer in 2005 after 15 years of consulting experience with another major pension firm in Calgary. Dino graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Joint Honours Bachelor degree in Statistics, and Actuarial and Management Sciences in 1990. He currently sits on council of the Southern Alberta Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute (CPBI) and is a Fellow of both the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (FCIA).

Susan Richards

Susan Richards

CPBI Pacific Region
Client Relationship Executive, Group Retirement Services, Sun Life Financial 

Susan Danzer is a Client Relationship Executive in Sun Life Financial’s Group Retirement Services division in Vancouver, where she manages client relationships for a block of national accounts. Susan joined Sun Life Financial in 2009 after six years in the retirement consulting practices of two national human resources consulting firms, where she consulted for clients on a broad range of legal issues, including pension plan compliance, design and governance. At Sun Life Financial, Susan's clients include large organizations with a national presence, primarily based in Vancouver and Calgary. Prior to moving into the pension industry, Susan spent eight years as an analyst at a boutique economic consulting firm.

Susan Danzer has been an outstanding Chair for the Pacific Region, and has worked well beyond typical Chairing duties to ensure the smooth operation and administration of the Region’s programming in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Her professionalism and capable decision-make never wavered during this trying period, and the CPBI Pacific Region flourished under her successful leadership.

At various times during her volunteer career at CPBI, Susan has served on the Marketing Committee, Roundtable Committee, Compensation Committee, and Conference Planning Committee.



Nomination Process


Nomination Process

See also

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