2011 Recipients

2011 CPBI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients 

The CPBI’s extensive calendar of events and library of resources are possible thanks to its many dedicated volunteers located throughout the CPBI’s eight Regions across Canada.
On behalf of the CPBI Board of Directors, Regional Councils and National Office, we would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for their involvement and contribution to the Institute:  

Derek Gerard

Derek Gerard

CPBI Altantic Region
Principal, Eckler Ltd. 

Derek Gerard is a leading expert in pension risk management within Eckler and the pension industry and promotes pension risk management as a key element of good governance and program success.

Derek served on the CPBI Atlantic Council for 7 terms from 2003 to 2010. He provided valuable input and an actuarial world perspective to Council. He was instrumental in accessing high level speakers for a variety of sessions. Derek organized, moderated, facilitated and spoke at various events and sessions over the years including Pension Fundamentals, Investment Fundamentals and Risk Management Day. He co-chaired the 2007 Atlantic Regional Conference and served on other Regional Conference Committees, as well as participating in the organizing committee for the 2005 National Conference in Newfoundland and the 2010 FORUM held in Halifax.

His energy and ever-positive attitude were a constant and welcome addition to the Atlantic Regional Council, and the CPBI membership at large. 

Brian White

Brian White

CPBI Ontario Region
Vice President, Aon Hewitt 

Brian White is a Vice President and Head of Aon Hewitt’s Toronto Investment Consulting practice. Brian joined Aon Hewitt in 2005 bringing with him over18 years of experience in both institutional money management as well as investment consulting. Brian consults to corporations, universities, not for profit organizations and multi-employer sponsors on issues relating to investment and risk management, including asset mix policy, manager structure and selection, alternative investments and performance monitoring.

Brian is a member of the Ontario Regional Council for the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute. Brian is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences and events. He holds a Bachelor of Administrative and Policy Studies from Trent University, an MBA from the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto and a CFA designation from the CFA Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia. 

J. David Tompkins

J. David Tompkins

CPBI Manitoba Region
Manager, Group Sales,  Manitoba Blue Cross 

David Tompkins has worked in the employee benefits field for 21 years in Vancouver, Toronto, and Winnipeg. Currently, as Manager of Group Sales, Dave is responsible for the ongoing management and direction of the sales and service of group benefit plans delivered to the marketplace by Manitoba Blue Cross. Dave holds a Bachelor of Arts, (Political Science) degree from The University of British Columbia, holds a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist designation, and is a past Fellow with International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

A CPBI member for over 12 years, Dave has always believed strongly in supporting both our industry as a whole and CPBI. Dave has been very active and visible throughout those years with respect to activities with the CPBI Manitoba Chapter and believes strongly that one must be involved in the industry to make it stronger and protect its integrity. Dave is passionate about CPBI and the need for our industry to have a strong, national organization. Dave has been actively involved with the Manitoba CPBI Council for 9 years holding positions of Fundamentals Chair, Program Chair, Chairperson, and Member of the National Board of Directors for CPBI. Recently, Dave reassumed the position of Chair for the Manitoba Council. 

Kathleen Robertson

Kathleen Robertson

CPBI Saskatchewan Region
Member of the Board of Trustees, Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees' Pension Plan 

Kathleen Robertson is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan and Saskatoon lawyer. Kay has been a member in good standing of the Law Society of Saskatchewan since admission to the Bar in 1974 and is currently engaged in private practice.

Kay has been a member of CPBI since 2003. She became a member of the regional council in 2008. Kay was a very active member of the Program and Services Committee during her two-year term working tirelessly to attract quality speakers to present to the membership on relevant issues and key topics. Kay also chaired a council subcommittee that undertook a comprehensive review of the terms of reference for council committees and paved the way for the Governance Committee to initiate a process audit.

Kay retired from the regional council in May 2010, but continues to make herself available as a resource to Council. 

Bob Thiessen

Bob Thiessen

CPBI Northern Alberta Region
Vice President, Aon Hewitt 

Bob Thiessen is an actuary and vice president with Aon Hewitt in Edmonton. Bob has served on the Northern Alberta Regional Council since 2000. As a member of the Northern Alberta Regional Council, Bob has held various positions including Sponsorship Committee member (2001 to 2005), Chair (2005 to 2010) and Co-Chair (2010 to present). In addition to his formal role on Council, Bob has been a presenter at four Pension Basics series for Northern Alberta in 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010 and a host at three Pension Basics series for Northern Alberta in 2003, 2007 and 2010. He has been a presenter (2011) and host of 12 CPBI Breakfast seminars and served as a member of the Steering Committees for the CPBI Western Regional Conference 2010 and CPBI Forum 2009. Bob is a strong promoter of CPBI, encouraging the development of consistent policies for event pricing, sponsorship, financial management and program development to bring value for CPBI members in northern Alberta. 

Clark Dehler

Clark Dehler

CPBI Southern Alberta Region
Manager, Business Development, Group Savings & Retirement,  Standard Life 

Clark has been actively involved in the CPBI since 2005. He is a current council member and chair of the newly formed Governance Committee. He has also held positions as Regional Chair during the period when Calgary hosted the National Forum in 2009, as well as chair of the Programs Committee. Clark is specifically being recognized for his work as the co-chair of the 2010 Regional Conference, held in Banff in October. Feedback from many conference participants was that it was the best conference in recent memory.

Karen Tomkins

Karen Tomkins

CPBI Pacific Region
Account Executive, Manulife Financial 

Karen has worked in the Group Insurance industry for over 25 years and held a variety of positions, including Regional Underwriter and Client Service Representative, before assuming the Account Executive role in 1995. Karen holds two industry designations - FLMI (Fellow, Life Management Institute) and CEBS (Certified Employee Benefit Specialist). Karen is the immediate Past Chair for the Pacific Regional Council of the Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute (CPBI) and is current and/or Past Chair of various CPBI Committees. She is a Past President of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists - BC Area Chapter and served as the Education Chair for that organization for a period of approximately seven years. As a Client Manager in Manulife's Corporate Accounts segment, she is responsible for managing a large book of major accounts in British Columbia.

Karen is past-Chair of the Pacific Region Council and presently involved as Council member, Breakfast Committee Chair, Treasurer and Compensation Committee member.



Nomination Process


Nomination Process

See also

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January 2025 E-Bulletin
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