Protect Your Plan: Uncovering and Preventing Employee Benefits Fraud

Protect Your Plan: Uncovering and Preventing Employee Benefits Fraud

March 19, 2025 12:00 PM to 1:30 PMOnline
Area of Interest: Pensions, Benefits, Investments Format: Web
Join Our Expert-Led virtual presentation hosted by Northern Alberta, Pacific, Southern Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba CPBI Regions

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Noon- 1:30 pm MT

Employee benefits fraud costs organizations millions each year and jeopardizes the sustainability of benefit plans. Are you equipped to identify and address this growing issue?

The Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute (CPBI) invites you to an exclusive online session featuring two industry experts:

Lori Power - Benefits Advisor and author of "They'll Never Know: Summary of Some of the Best and Worst Known Insurance Stories Across the Decades".

Jil Tanguay - Health Benefits Fraud expert with extensive experience in uncovering fraudulent claims within the insurance industry.

In this session, you will learn:

• How employee benefits fraud happens and why it's increasing

• Real-world case studies from fraud investigations

• Strategies to identify, prevent, and mitigate fraud within your benefits plan

Register Now to secure your spot and gain practical insights to protect your or your client's organization.

Fees and Registration
Membership TypesRegular PricePlan Sponsor Price
Member$25.00 CDN$25.00 CDN
Plan Sponsor Individual Member$25.00 CDN$25.00 CDN
Associate Member$25.00 CDN$25.00 CDN
Student Membership$25.00 CDN$25.00 CDN
Non Member$40.00 CDN$40.00 CDN
Member PriceNon Member Price
Table of 6 of 6$200.00 CDN$300.00 CDN
Cancellation Policy
CE Credits will be offered in partnership with the Alberta Insurance Council.

Lori Power is a published author of fiction and non-fiction, a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA), a Certified Facilitation Leader, holds the Queen’s University certificate for “Workplace Mental Health Leadership”, and the 2022 winner of the EBN Excellence in Benefits Award.

As an advocate for continuing education, she is a mentor, educator, and public speaker. Lori is a member of Advocis, the financial therapy association, the Canadian Group Insurance Brokers (CGIB), and the Canadian Association of Life Underwriters (CALU).

She has been featured on the Corporate Connections Speaker’s series, Global News, CBC, the HR Reporter, Smokin’ Bulls podcast, the Advisor Advantage, Benefits Genius, BCC Drive Time, Every Other Wednesday corporate culture conversations, hosted a podcast entitled: SHifT.

Lori has been engaged in the Disney Institute for Business Learning since 2019, achieving their accreditation in the first three cores: Leadership | Quality Service | Employee Engagement and has gone on to complete their “Leadership Excellence” and “Coaching for Peak Performance” certificates.

Lori non-fiction true-crime installment “They'll Never Know” highlights the sheer volume and diversity of fraud cases globally, examining the psychological relationship between people and insurance. Her latest book on employee group benefits is “2nd Sight, the Culture of Benefits” because every great benefit plan aligns with productivity and safety for effective return on the corporate investment.


Jil Tanguay -  Health Benefits Fraud Expert and Education Consultant

Jil has over 30 years of experience in health benefits, audits, and fraud investigations. He has a background in mathematics, computers, and statistics, and has been a Certified Forensic Investigator, held Certification in Risk Management Assurance, and was a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors.

A forward-thinking leader, Jil saw how the use of analytics could transform the identification of fraud. He spearheaded the adoption of analytics at Alberta Blue Cross which resulted in a tenfold increase in the confirmation of fraudulent claims and a corresponding reduction in false positives.

Jil lead his teams to develop industry-leading practices for audits and investigations. These practices increased efficiencies in determining when fraud had occurred and in the preparation of comprehensive files.

An experienced liaison with law enforcement, Jil prepared fraud cases for potential criminal prosecution. He also provided further knowledge on health benefits fraud to law enforcement and testified in court as needed.

Known for his engaging presentations, Jil continues to passionately share his expertise about health benefits fraud. 



Wednesday March 19, 2025

Noon to 1:30 pm MT- Presentation

CE credit quiz to follow

Who Should Attend:

Plan Sponsors

Benefits Professionals

Risk Analysts & Consultants

Consultants and Brokers

Insurers and Plan Providers




CE Credits

CE credits will be offered in partnership with the Alberta Insurance Council, ICS and ICM.  A short quiz must be completed at the conclusion of the seminar to qualify for credit.


Elaine Shannon

Phone: 888 788-3185 Choose 1 for Region, then Ext. 6

Email: [email protected]

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