
Pricing and Packages

CPBI Member
Early Bird Price until July 31st:  $585

The conference fee includes:  all meals, sessions, reception and the Second City evening.  

Early Bird Price until July 31st:  $900

The conference fee includes:  all meals, sessions, reception and the Second City evening.  You may wish to take advantage of becoming a CPBI member and attending the conference at a significant saving (as well as all events held throughout the year).  Find out how to become a member....details here

Plan Sponsors

As a sponsor of an employee benefits plan or employee pension plan, we encourage you to attend the 2015 CPBI Ontario Regional Conference.  There are many sessions that will of interest to you and help you in your job.  To open the conference, you will be invited to attend a special "by invitation only" plan sponsor breakfast, where Adwoa Buahene from n-gen People Performance will be speaking to you about generational identities within your workforce.  Adwoa's expertise is helping companies engage the four generations that make up the workforce today.  This breakfast will give you an opportunity to meet other plan sponsors attending the conference.  In addition, there are two plan sponsor plenary sessions looking specifically at "Retirement Readiness" by employees.  There are many other sessions that you will find very relevant to you in your job.  

Companion/Guest Package

When you register, you are welcome to include your partner, spouse or guest in all the social events.  The $325 package includes breakfasts, lunch with featured speaker Kate Davis, delegate reception at the Toronto Hilton and the Second City evening, including dinner at Gretzky's.  During the registration process you will see the option to pick up a Companion/Guest package.

Second City Evening Only

If you are unable to attend the 2015 CPBI Ontario Regional Conference, but would like to attend the Second City evening only, you are welcome to do so.  Registration information can be found here....

Latest News

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The CPBI Regional Council of Ontario is pleased to announce its new members for 2024. Congratulations to all of them!

JOIN CPBI (new member) Contest
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CPBI Ontario Thanks its Annual Program Partners for 2024
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Thank you to all the Partners of CPBI Ontario in 2024 for their support.

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