The conference will be held at:
Delta Hotels Saskatoon Downtown (formerly named Radisson Hotel Saskatoon)
405 - 20th St E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6X6
To book your hotel guestroom, 2 options are available:
1. Please call the hotel front desk at 306-665-3322 and choose option #2 or #5 to speak with
the front office to make your reservation, or call the toll free number 1-800-721-7033.
A block of rooms is booked under Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute (CPBI).
2. Online direct by clicking here. Select your arrival and departure dates to confirm your
booking online.
Room Type Rate
Queen $189 CAD/night
King $199 CAD/night
The block of rooms is guaranteed until March 10, 2019.
After that time, rooms and rates will be based upon availability.