
CPBI Hall of Fame

CPBI HALL FAME: Critieria and Procedures 

Nomination Criteria

Past and present members who: 

  • Had a transformational and/or substantial, measurably positive material impact on the organization nationally and/or in one or more regions over multiple years.
  • Remained committed to CPBI over a period of at least five years.
  • Played a leadership role – formally or informally – on one or more CPBI groups (e.g. committees, regional council, national board). 

Nominating Procedure

  • Nominations can come from any CPBI member
  • Nominations must be seconded by a CPBI member in order to be considered.
  • The nomination period is on-going. However, only names submitted before Dec 31st of each year will be considered for induction during the following year at the National CPBI FORUM. 

  Nominations can be submitted at any time 
by sending an email to [email protected]

Selection Process 

  • Nominations will be presented to the Recognition Committee (with background on each nominee’s contributions to be prepared by CPBI National Office staff) for consideration. Recommendations will be selected by unanimous consent of the Recognition Committee*.  
  • Recommendations for award recipients will be forwarded to the Board of Directors once a year for a final vote.
  • Award winners will be selected by majority vote on the Board. 

Members will be inducted into the CPBI Hall of Fame at the CPBI FORUM. Join us to introduce the new inductees and celebrate their contributions to the Institute.

*An independent Committee made up of CPBI members (and/or possibly non-members should the Board find this appropriate). The Recognition Committee shall be separate from the Board, created to oversee the Recognition Program and make recommendations to the Board for future recognitions and be responsible for the unbiased selection of winners.

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