11:30am | Registration Desk Open | 11:45am - 12:30pm | Networking & Buffet Lunch | 12:30pm - 3:00pm | Speaker Presentations |
ORPP- Ontario Registered Pension Plan- Will it affect Employers in Atlantic Canada Dylan Moser, Willis Towers WatsonThe ORPP is a Mandatory Pension Plan that will require all employees in Ontario to participate under the Provincial plan unless they are covered under an “comparable Pension Plan”. Atlantic Canadian Companies with employees in Ontario should be aware the new ORPP will affect them unless they offer a comparable plan to their employees. A comparable Pension Plan does not include Group RRSP, DPSP, or DC plans that do not meet certain criteria. Dylan will cover what the ORPP requires of an employer, what Atlantic Canadian Employers need to consider and the impact it may have on their benefit offering to employees in different Provinces. Time to think about Decumulation Jill Taylor-Smith, Eckler Ltd.‘Decumulation’ is getting a lot of press lately, and why? For more than two decades, plan sponsors have been focused on helping their employees save for retirement by providing company-sponsored CAPs, now employees are beginning to retire from these plans. What does this mean to you as a plan sponsor, and why should you care? This session will look at: the current decumulation model, evolving trends you should be aware of and your role as the plan sponsor in helping your employees successfully transition from their working life to retirement.
Proclaimed- Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs) Province of Nova Scotia
Dante Manna, Stewart McKelvey
The Government of Nova Scotia proclaimed in force the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act effective May 4, 2016. In addition, Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations and consequential amendments to the Pension Benefits Regulations were made effective May 4, 2016. Dante will provide an update on the PRPP and the next steps in the process.