CAPs, including DC plans, have come a long way over the past two decades. What was once ‘leading edge’ is now ‘needed to play’. And while many plan sponsors have noticed the changes, they are not alone. Canadian employees have also recognized that they need more support to ensure their retirement readiness while taking advantage of savings vehicles to support short-term financial resiliency. And in light of the evolving CAP environment, Canadian regulators have significantly enhanced their expectations for sponsors of all varieties of CAPs.
These three forces are converging on one idea: guiding CAPs to more effectively support Canadian employees.
Using recent research and publications on the topic, this session will help plan sponsors understand how to position their retirement and savings programs to succeed in this evolving world, with a focus on the current convergence of those three forces:
- Plan sponsor priorities, identified through some key findings of WTW’s recent Canadian DC survey
- Employee needs, explored through the results of WTW’s Global Benefits Attitude Survey – Canada
- Regulator expectations, as outlined in the new CAPSA guidelines: Capital Accumulation Plans (Guideline No. 3) and Risk Management (Guideline No. 10)
In a world of tightened sponsor resources, knowing what to prioritize, and how, is critical. Come and join the discussion on how you can make your limited resources take your CAPs further than you expected
Attending this session will allow you to earn CE credits for: The Institute of Advanced Financial Education (Advocis), Insurance Council of Manitoba, Insurance of Saskatchewan, Alberta Insurance council, BC Insurance council.
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CPBI Non-Members can opt in for CE credits for an addtionnal $25.
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