Benefits of Tomorrow The world, the workplace, and employer-employee relationships have changed significantly over the last 18 months. All of these changes will impact the future of benefits on various levels: - What are employees looking for
- What will employers need to offer to move forward with their ideal workforce
- What is realistically sustainable
- How benefits are deliveredWhat is the role of the advisor/broker/consultant in the future? Is there any? Will employers go “direct”?
- How and who will provide benefit plans in the future – insurers; TPAs; other providers?
- How will the competitive landscape change for benefits plans?
- Will insurers compete with consulting/brokerage firms to provide products and services?
Join CPBI Pacific as we bring together four major stakeholders from the various benefits puzzle – employer, advisor, insurer, and TPA – for a panel discussion on the Benefits of Tomorrow.  Panelists: Employer: Janet Hughes – Director, HR – MEC Advisor: Rob Taylor – Executive VP – HUB International Insurer: Dave Jones – Senior VP, Group Benefits – Sun Life Financial Third-Party Administrator (TPA): Mike McClenahan – Managing Partner - Benefits By Design (BBD) |