Bridging the Gap: Improving mental health through reimagined employee assistance programs

Bridging the Gap: Improving mental health through reimagined employee assistance programs

October 30, 2024 12:00 PM to 1:00 PMOnline - Mountain Time zone
Area of Interest: Benefits Format: Web

An online seminar hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta


Please join us for an online seminar on October 30, 2024.

With one in three Canadians reporting worsened mental health, especially with most believing that their financial situation has a greater impact on their mental well-being than any other factor, including physical health, family, or work situation, employers are expected to step in. Alarmingly, 43% of Canadians lack the financial resources to access professional mental health care. Meanwhile, 47% of working Canadians depend on employer benefits to improve their well-being, yet over half have not utilized their Employee Assistance Program (EAP), despite it being offered by most employers. This underscores the urgent need for more accessible and targeted support through EAPs and virtual primary care, ensuring that employees can effectively address mental health challenges

Cancellation Policy



Dr. Marc Robin
Medical Director
Dialogue Health Technologies 

Dr. Marc Robin is the Medical Director of Dialogue Health Technologies Inc., Canada’s largest virtual care company, where he leads a pan-Canadian interdisciplinary team applying a patient-centred approach to virtual care. Launched in 2016, Dialogue provides employer-funded physical health, mental health and well-being support, including a highly accessible Employee Assistance Program. Dialogue's services are available to over 6.5 million Canadians across the country through a multidisciplinary care team, and at no cost to patients or to government. Putting patients first, Dialogue is the first virtual care provider to receive the Accreditation Canada Primer award, a third-party validation of safety and high-level quality of care awarded to most major health centres. 




Wednesday October 30, 2024
Noon to 1:00 pm - Presentation
CE credit quiz to follow



Online Session


Registration Fee

CPBI Members: $25
Future Members: $40
Sponsorship Credits: 1

GST #106865330 RT0007



Krista Frayn
Phone: (403) 888-3185
[email protected]


Kim Duxbury

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