CPBI Ontario Summer Newsletter


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CPBI Ontario Summer Newsletter

SUMMER 2014 

CPBI Ontario
Message from the Chair
Joyce Stephenson, CPBI Ontario Region

Welcome to the first issue of CPBI Ontario’s quarterly e-newsletter. We look forward to keeping you up to date on news and developments in your industry and within our region.

CPBI Ontario’s mandate is to provide premier educational and networking events. As you will read in the rest of this e-update, we’ve had another successful year. We gratefully thank our many volunteers, event sponsors—and you, our members.

Albert Einstein said, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Not prepared to rest on our laurels, we strive not only to continue to be successful but to strengthen the value of your CPBI membership.

We aim to expand beyond networking and education to embrace solutions. Let us know if there is a topic of particular interest to you that you feel would be of interest to CPBI Ontario members as well.

Get engaged, and get in touch! You can reach us at [email protected]

Kitchener - October 1, 2014

This year’s conference includes an Oktoberfest welcome, golf at one of Kitchener’s beautiful golf courses, an opening session with Olympic athlete Marnie McBean, breakout workshops on today’s hot-button issues in employee benefits, pensions and investments — and a few surprises thrown in!


Ottawa - August 20, 2014

Kitchener - October 1, 2014

Toronto - Fall 2014

Toronto - February 5, 2015

Toronto - February 6, 2014

Last Charity Benefit at the Liberty Grand was a huge success, with 290 people in attendance. Hosted by “Sonny and Cher”, “Ginger” and “Mary Anne,” the evening had a multitude of ‘70s elements — including the very popular photo booth. A “Mash Tent” served the reception cocktails. Guests were also invited to take part in the Mystery Wall, Raffle and Mystery Auction. All in all, the evening raised more than $41,000 in donations to the Crohn's and Colitis Canada.


London - May 7, 2014

Toronto - April 30, 2014

London - April 29, 2014

Toronto - April 2, 2014

Toronto - January 23, 2014

In the News

Ontario Moves Forward with ORPP
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne plans to reintroduce last month’s budget after voters gave her a majority mandate. The budget included plans to create the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP), which would initially expand pension coverage to more than three million working Ontarians....

Employees, Employers Diverge on Benefits Issues
Canadian companies realize that a healthy workforce is more productive, but there’s often a discrepancy between what employees expect from their health benefits and what these benefits actually offer. Different generations also have different expectations....
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©2014 Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute (CPBI) Ontario Region
CPBI Ontario | 200 Bay Street - P.O. Box 64003 | Toronto, ON M5J 2T6| CANADA | Tel: +1 877 5991414

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