FORUM 2016 - May 16-18, Ottawa


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FORUM 2016 - May 16-18, Ottawa

In a world shaped by a turbulent economy and disruptive technologies, what will be the New Deal... that the pension and benefits industry must prepare for?

Join CPBI members in Ottawa next May 16th to the 18th.

Learn, explore and get ready for the New Deal ...

Darrell Bricker  
THE BIG SHIFT - The Battle between Old and New Canada 

Darrell Bricker
CEO for Ipsos, Global Public Affairs

The Best Place To Work

Ron Friedman, Ph.D  
Award-winning social psychologist specializes in human motivation.  

Capital Markets 
and Economic Trends 

Don Coxe 
Chairman, Coxe Advisors LLC

A program with the right blend of learning and networking opportunities.
3 keynote sessions
17 sessions, pension and benefits focussed
Networking activities
CPBI Hall of Fame 
Learn more
Associate your brand with the CPBI FORUM 2016! 
Achieve maximum visibility and position your brand as a leader in the industry.
Sponsorship opportunities are available  
Contact us for more information 
REgister by Feb 29th and save $300

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