CPBI Saskatchewan Winter Newsletter


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CPBI Saskatchewan Winter Newsletter

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CPBI Saskatchewan News

Winter Newsletter - February 2017

In This Issue

  • CPBI Saskatchewan 2017 Regional Conference: Path to Greatness   
    • Featured Sessions
    • Conference Sponsors   
  • Dinner with Special Guest Speaker: Michael Kerr
  • Highlights of December's Member Appreciation Reception
  • Upcoming Breakfast & Luncheon Seminars
  • Benefits, Beyond the Basics 2-Day Seminar
  • Programs through Humber College  
  • CPBI Forum 2017
  • Call for Volunteers for CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council!
  • CPBI Membership 
  • 2016-17 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council   
  • Thank you to our 2016-17 Program Sponsors  

CPBI Saskatchewan 2017 Regional Conference: Path to Greatness  

The 7th annual CPBI Saskatchewan regional conference "Path to Greatness" will be held on April 25, 26, & 27, 2017, at TCU Place in Saskatoon.


Follow the Path to Greatness for investment strategies, disability management solutions, leadership skills, retirement trends, present and future benefit plan challenges, customer interaction, communication, and more!

Featured Sessions

Emotional Intelligence - The Leadership Way 

Scott Wright, PhD, Senior Vice-President, Food Safety, Human Resources, and Innovation, Star Group of Companies

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a potent combination of self-management and relationship skills that govern our interactions with others. Studies strongly suggest that EI plays a far greater role than IQ in determining leaders’ and organizations’ success.

In this session, Scott will explore EI – what it is and isn’t; the skills, competencies, and abilities that make up our emotional intellect; how our own EI stacks up; and more importantly, what steps we can take to be better at it.

The Power of Hope Vision Action

Frank O'Dea, Innovative Entrepreneur and Humanitarian 

With hope – all things become possible. With hope, one has the courage to change the present into a very different future. With hope, dreams are possible; with hope one has the persistence to follow the dream and with hope one can – and will – become much more than you ever dreamed possible. Frank demonstrates this power of hope by using his own story and experiences of hope, courage, change, and persistence. Humble yet powerful, Frank relates how he went from the bowery, panhandling for nickels and dimes not so many years ago, to the successes he has achieved today. This is truly a motivational story. Audiences from all walks of life identify with this very real story of achievement, and Frank’s warm style convinces his audiences that he is speaking directly to them.

Customer Centricity is the Path to Greatness

William H. Murphy, PhD, Associate Professor of Management & Marketing, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan

To become customer centric is to seek superior value for your customers. There are tough questions that should be asked of every department and you must be sure to focus on each and every customer touch point. From this presentation, you will take away “rules you can bank on".


Millennials and the Future of Work

Lauren Friese, Expert on the Future Workplace & Founder of TalentEgg.ca

Millennials are currently making career decisions in large numbers, and by 2020 they will represent almost half our workforce. This presentation tackles the challenging task of understanding millennials – how they think and act, what they look for in employers, how to motivate them on the job, and more. Lauren will share lessons and strategies in effectively recruiting, managing, and retaining millennials.

Ignite the Leader Within

Rachelle Brockman, Principal, Eureka Experience

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality!” - Bennis

• Why should we consider ourselves leaders in the various areas of our lives?

• What does it take to get and stay ignited as a leader?

• And how do we inspire others to take action with us?

During this eureka experience, we will interactively explore these questions and more in order to ignite the leader within!

Conference Sponsors

Thank you to our conference sponsors for their generous support of the CPBI Saskatchewan 2017 Regional Conference! 



Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Franklin Templeton Institutional

Sun Life 

The Co-operators

Homewood Health

Fidelity Investments   

Lawson Lundell LLP 

Desjardins Insurance

Morneau Shepell 


RBC Investor & Treasury Services


iA Financial Group



Benefits and Pensions Monitor

Dinner with Special Guest Speaker: Michael Kerr


Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at TCU Place in Saskatoon

6:00 p.m. Cocktails

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:30 p.m. Putting Humour to Work for Less Stress and More Success

                Michael Kerr, "The Workplace Energizer"

The cost for this event is included in your Conference Registration Fee. 

Dinner tickets are available for guests not attending the conference, at a rate of $75.00 per person or $400.00 per corporate table of 6 (six).

Click here for complete details or to register!


Highlights of December's Member Appreciation Reception  


CPBI Saskatchewan held a Member Appreciation Reception on December 6, 2016, at Crave Kitchen + Wine Bar in Regina. On a cold winter's eve, the blazing fireplace in the elegant room contributed to a spirit of warmth and camaraderie. Guests enjoyed a variety of delicious hors d'oeuvres and good cheer!

Watch for our next Member Appreciation Reception to be held in Saskatoon!


       Photo Credit: Karen Lovelace


Upcoming Breakfast & Luncheon Seminars  

       Two Perspectives on the Role of Biosimilar Drugs 

       Wednesday, February 15, 2017 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel Saskatoon

       Thursday, February 16, 2017 – Breakfast at Double Tree by Hilton in Regina



Join us for a joint presentation that will discuss two perspectives on biosimilar drugs:

• Richard York, Associate Director of Private Drug Plans at Merck Canada Inc., will discuss perspectives on the role of biosimilar drugs in addressing healthcare sustainability; how biosimilar drugs are different from generic drugs, and global and Canadian perspectives on biosimilar drugs.

• Durhane Wong-Rieger, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders, will discuss the findings from a survey with 300 Canadian patients about their perspectives on biosimilars, including safety, availability, use, monitoring, and support issues. She will also provide an overview of discussions with patients representing various diseases that indicate some of the factors that influence acceptance and confidence.


       When Spousal Relationships Break Down 

       Wednesday, March 15, 2017 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel Saskatoon

       Thursday, March 16, 2017 – Luncheon at Double Tree by Hilton in Regina

 Chelsie McKay, Associate Lawyer at Miller Thomson LLP, will discuss the law behind division and distribution of employer pension plans upon the breakdown of spousal relationships.


       How One Organization is Moving the Bar on Employee Engagement 

       Wednesday, May 17, 2017 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel Saskatoon

       Thursday, May 18, 2017 – Luncheon at Double Tree by Hilton in Regina


Kelley Orban is the Senior Director of Stakeholder Relations at the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan.

The Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan (SHEPP) is a jointly trusteed defined benefit pension plan serving over 54,000 members across Saskatchewan. Creating a culture that supports, encourages and empowers employees to do their best work is very important not only for the leadership team at SHEPP but for the Board of Trustees as well. The underlying belief at the heart of SHEPP’s corporate culture is the understanding that employees are the source of the organization’s success. One of the ways SHEPP measures its ability to support its employees is through employee engagement surveys. In the last six years, SHEPP has participated in three engagement surveys. This presentation will provide high level engagement results and outline how SHEPP has developed and implemented people practices that not only support employee engagement but have increased it through a variety of organizational changes.


Benefits, Beyond the Basics 2-day Seminar


March 1 & 2, 2017 at the Double Tree by Hilton in Regina

Join us for a full program addressing in-depth aspects of Group Benefits Plans, current trends and emerging issues. This 2-day seminar will provide a comprehensive framework that will enhance your understanding of benefits, act as a primer for the CEBS program, and offer valuable continuing education credits for the Insurance Council of Saskatchewan. This is also an excellent opportunity to network with fellow participants and event speakers. Attendees will receive a binder of presentation material and certificate of completion. 

Click Here for complete details or to register!


Programs through Humber College

Humber College is currently undergoing a transition. The Director of the Centre for Employee Benefits retired at the end of December. The business school plans to continue to operate the Centre. They are melding it into their Professional and Continuing Education portfolio under the direction of Michael McDougall, their new Director. At the time of this writing, Humber College had advised they are confident they will be able to offer courses this Spring.

As part of the CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council’s commitment to providing ongoing educational opportunities for our membership, the following courses through Humber College are being planned for this Spring:

  • Pension Plan Administration Certificate (PPAC 3)
  • Administration of Capital Accumulation Plans (ACAP 2)
  • Trustee Development Program (TDP)

These courses can be taken in any order; there are no pre-requisites.

CPBI Saskatchewan members receive a 10% discount on the registration fees for Humber College programs organized by CPBI Saskatchewan.

Watch for updates!


CPBI Forum 2017


CPBI FORUM 2017   Thriving in a Climate of Change 

June 5-7 in Winnipeg, Manitoba 

Click here for details or to register. 


 Call for Volunteers for CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council!


Do you or someone you know have knowledge and/or experience in the benefits, pension or investment field? We are looking for individuals with knowledge or experience within the benefits, finance, event planning, investment, and legal realms to volunteer their time and expertise to help with Council activities.

The CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council is inviting members who are interested in serving on the regional council or one of its committees to submit their interest in writing. This year there are three vacancies to fill on Council. Kindly complete the Application and Skills Matrix and return them to the CPBI Saskatchewan Region office by March 24th, 2017.

CPBI's Saskatchewan Regional Council meets bi-monthly except in the summer. It oversees the work of committees in a number of key areas, including communication, professional development, conference planning, sponsorship & membership, finance, and governance. Committees meet as frequently as required. The above application includes a summary of the committees and their mandates.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our office at 306-757-1013 or via email at [email protected] and a member of Council will be happy to respond to your questions.


CPBI Membership


As a CPBI member, you have access to discounted events, free webinars, our resource library, our member directory, and more! Membership Advantages »»

Be a part of a network of professionals in your industry, stay up to date with new trends, and network with your peers by exchanging on best practices.

2016-17 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council


Chair:      Alana Shearer-Kleefeld, 3sHealth

Vice-Chair:  Dara Sewell-Zumstien, Public Employees Benefits Agency

Treasurer:  Glenda Schlosser, Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.

Secretary:  Kelley Orban, Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan

National Board Representative:  Doug Volk, Teachers’ Superannuation Commission

Council Members:

     Narinder Kempa, The Co-operators

     Don Rowell, CUMIS Group Ltd.

     Sylvia Rempel, University of Saskatchewan

     Sheryl Armstrong, Hundseth Power Line

     Dan Bolan, Great-West Life 

     Nikki-Lynn McKeague, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

     John Salmond, Group Medical Services

     Troy Shanks, Blackstone Insurance, Benefits & Bonding Inc.

     Andrea Johnson, Miller Thomson LLP


       Saskatchewan Blue Cross

       Sun Life Financial


       iA Financial Group


       Great-West Life

       Aon Hewitt



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