Mental Health Awareness


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Mental Health Awareness

Did you know there is a website that offers access to free, practical tools and resources designed to help Canadian employers with the prevention, intervention and management of workplace mental health issues?

The Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace and the Workplace Strategies for Mental Health website is a catalyst and innovator in workplace mental health.

All tools and resources are available in English and French to anyone, anywhere, at no cost. Visit the website for more information!

Be sure to register for CPBI Ontario’s “Links & Learn Golf Tournament” at Crosswinds Golf & Country Club in Burlington on July 25th!

< find out more here >>

Latest News

Behind the scenes of CPBI Regional Council of Ontario
March 6, 2024

An interview with our Regional Council Member

Thank you to CPBI Northern Alberta's 2024 Partners
February 20, 2024

Thank you for supporting us!

CPBI Ontario Welcomes its New Council Members
February 8, 2024

The CPBI Regional Council of Ontario is pleased to announce its new members for 2024. Congratulations to all of them!

JOIN CPBI (new member) Contest
February 2, 2024


CPBI Ontario Thanks its Annual Program Partners for 2024
January 12, 2024

Thank you to all the Partners of CPBI Ontario in 2024 for their support.

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