National Volunteer Week 2020


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National Volunteer Week 2020

Volunteering is a true example of passion bringing individuals together to accomplish a common goal. Volunteers’ contributions are instrumental to many organizations and initiatives of all types that would otherwise not exist.

CPBI would like to thank individuals who have volunteered in any shape or form for their generosity, time, kindness and dedication. The impact that you are making in your community is more significant than can be measured!

At CPBI, our existence is mainly dependant on the work of our volunteers. Our community, like many others, is currently facing tremendous disruption.

Pension and Benefit arrangements are facing a different reality today than just a few months ago. CPBI and its volunteers remain available to listen to your challenges, provide education and accompany your organization through these unprecedented times, and we look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the curve.

Needless to say, the work of volunteers matters now more than ever. Our ask during this National Volunteer Week is twofold:

  • Thank a volunteer for all they do.
  • Let us know how our volunteers can help you better now and after these challenging times.

Stay safe!

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