Bell Let’s Talk Day


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Bell Let’s Talk Day

COVID-19 has affected every aspect of our lives, including our mental health. However, tools are available to support ourselves and each other.

Since 2010, Canadians and people around the globe have joined in the world’s largest conversation around mental health on Bell Let’s Talk Day. Together we have taken big steps to reduce the stigma around mental health issues and inspire one another to take action and help create a Canada where everyone can access the mental health support they need. In a recent survey conducted by Nielsen Consumer Insights, 82% of Canadians now say they are comfortable speaking with others about mental health, compared to only 42% in 2012. By joining in and taking action, we are all helping to make a real difference.

This year’s Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign highlights the ways that we can support ourselves and those we care about through actions like listening, being there and talking. Every Canadian can play a part in their communities, workplaces, schools and at home.

That’s why we’re joining in the 12th annual Bell Let’s Talk Day to help create positive change:

1.    Please join us this Bell Let’s Talk Day by showing your support for all those who live with mental illness and those taking action to help them.  Through your social media channels, you can support the campaign #BellLetsTalk at no cost.
2.    Download the self-care activity chart HERE
3.    Keep listening, talking, and being there for ourselves and each other.
4.    You can also find resources, learn more about some of the organizations providing meaningful mental health supports and services throughout Canada and download the  Bell Let’s Talk toolkit to begin your own conversation about mental health at home, school or in the workplace.
5.    Find more free resources and emergency contact info HERE


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