In 2021 CPBI Ontario kicked off its first annual sponsorship program and it was a success. With the support of our partners, we have been able to deliver a total of 80 online educational hours live. Thanks to our virtual platform we have maintained a solid base of professionals, both on the plan sponsor and provider side, that regularly attend our virtual sessions and courses from across Canada. More than 3000 users have received our regional newsletter weekly and CPBI webpages hit more than 200,000 views in the past 12 months. We have built a strong network and can count on a weekly presence with regular posts in our preferred social media channel, LinkedIn. Our plans for 2022 are exciting: a new website that members will find easier to navigate, and with unique touchpoints that Canadian professionals in the industry will find themselves compelled to go back visit to regularly. A list of members’ and subscribes’ sector type and job title is available upon request. |