Volunteer Application is now open!


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Volunteer Application is now open!

Join a dynamic group of volunteers and fellow professionals and expand your network !

Do you or someone you know have knowledge and/or experience in benefits, pensions, or investments?
We seek leaders like you, with your invaluable knowledge and experience in the benefits, finance, event planning, investment, and legal realms. Your time and expertise as a volunteer will be crucial in shaping the future of our Council activities.
If you are interested in serving on the Ontario Regional Council of the Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute, this is not just a commitment, but also an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

You will serve for a  term of three years (2025 – 2027)  or on a committee of the Council for at least one year.

CPBI's Ontario Regional Council oversees the work of committees in key areas, including communication, educational and professional development, sponsorship and membership, finance, strategic planning, and governance. Committees also meet as frequently as required. 

How to apply?

STEP 1 - Complete the Application Form before October 15, 2024
STEP 2 - Send a copy of your resume to [email protected]

We will contact you. If you have any question, please get in touch with our office at the Toll-free number: 888 788-3185  option 1 -  Ext. 3

CPBI Mission: To provide CPBI members with the opportunity to participate in high quality, cost-effective education and networking events that focus on the exchange of information and the analysis of the best practices related to pensions, employee benefits and investments, at the national and regional levels across Canada.

CPBI Vision: The CPBI will strive for a strong brand image and to be a well-run organization with unity of purpose and connectivity to its members while offering education and networking programs and services.

CPBI Values: In its governance and programs, CPBI adheres to the following values: − Innovation and quality service to members − Creativity in networking − Results oriented teamwork − Accountability and integrity.

CPBI Ontario Regional Council
We are dedicated to organizing and facilitating premier educational and networking events for pension, investment, and benefits professionals across the province.

New members of Council are elected each year in the Fall. All members are expected to attend each Council meeting. The schedule is determined at the first meeting of the Council year. 

Summary of the committees and their mandates: >download here<

Latest News

Volunteer Application is now open!
September 6, 2024

A great opportunity to join a dynamic group of volunteers and fellow professionals !

Behind the scenes of CPBI Regional Council of Ontario
March 6, 2024

An interview with our Regional Council Member

Thank you to CPBI Northern Alberta's 2024 Partners
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Thank you for supporting us!

CPBI Ontario Welcomes its New Council Members
February 8, 2024

The CPBI Regional Council of Ontario is pleased to announce its new members for 2024. Congratulations to all of them!

JOIN CPBI (new member) Contest
February 2, 2024


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