Saskatchewan Winter Newsletter


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Saskatchewan Winter Newsletter


Winter Newsletter - February 2015

In This Issue

  • 2015 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference "Connections & Creativity
    • Featured Sessions
    • Conference Sponsors 
  • March Luncheon Seminars 
  • Recap of Administration of Capital Accumulation Plans (ACAP) 1
  • Certificate in Employee Benefits - May 2015
  • Pensions, Beyond the Basics - June 2015
  • Pension Plan Administration Certificate (PPAC) 1
  • CPBI Membership  
  • CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council 2014-15
  • Thank you to our Program Sponsors

2015 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference "Connections & Creativity"

The 5th annual CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference will be held on April 22 & 23, 2015, at the Delta Bessborough Hotel in the beautiful city of Saskatoon. 

Register now!

This year’s Conference will focus on connections with industry experts and colleagues and creativity in areas like employee engagement and plan analysis. The challenges for Plan Sponsors to maximize their benefit plan dollars and sustain their pension plans are ever increasing. CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference will connect you with information and ideas to help you meet your demands in creative new ways. 

Featured Sessions:

The Silver Tsunami… Looking Beyond the Generic Drug Cliff 

David Blodgett, President and Chief Executive Officer of Group Medical Services (GMS), will speak to emerging trends in the benefit and insurance industry in the context of our shared responsibility to deliver on our promises in a fast changing social and economic environment. David will look at the notion of extended health care as a “sacred trust” that is the shared responsibility of governments, insurers and plan sponsors supporting employees planning for an uncertain retirement while building their nest eggs. Where will the right "connections & creativity" come from as providers look to develop creative solutions for “Generation G” in order to meet the emerging Silver Tsunami before the costs and pressures on government and employer budgets alike overwhelm the best laid plans?


Crossing the Generational Divide: Unlocking the Power of Generations™   for Your Strategic Advantage

For the first time in world history, four distinctly different generations are working side by side. Each of these four generations (Matures, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Gen Y) is guided by a different set of values, beliefs, and expectations. In Crossing the Generational Divide, Curt Steinhorst entertainingly reveals each generation’s preferences and priorities to highlight what they bring to the workforce—and how to build on their common ground. Curt then shares The Center for Generational Kinetics' frontline-tested process which participants can immediately rely on to lead a culture of cross-generation communication, innovation, engagement, teamwork, and performance. Filled with surprising statistics, step-by-step strategies, and laugh-out-loud stories, attendees leave this presentation prepared to make their multigenerational workforce a competitive advantage.

John Gormley, Broadcaster, Lawyer, National Bestselling Author, and Host of Saskatchewan’s Top-Rated Radio Talk Show “John Gormley Live”

Watch for details about John Gormley's presentation!

Hanna’s Letter to Santa: How Critical Illness Insurance Saved My Life

When your life becomes a statistic, statistics no longer matter. Darren’s presentation of “Hanna’s Letter to Santa” will put a very human face on the financial devastation of suffering from a critical illness like Cancer. Follow the journey of Darren and his family through his personal diagnosis, treatment and eventual recovery and also experience it through the words of his then 8 year old daughter Hanna.

“Hanna’s Letter to Santa” has been translated into 18 different languages and has been featured on many North American stages, including: Banff School, World Critical Illness Conference, Taste of Million Dollar Roundtable (MDRT) and most recently, the Main Platform at the MDRT Annual Meeting in Toronto.

Darren’s presentation will profoundly change the way you look at Critical Illness insurance. It will highlight the value your employees could experience when including Critical Illness insurance in your employee group benefits programs and how having Critical Illness insurance helps protect their financial future.

Creating Cultures of Leadership and the Power of 'Lollipop Moments' 

“How many of you are completely comfortable with calling yourself a leader?”  

What would happen if you asked that at your next staff meeting? What percentage of hands do you think would be raised? Leadership speaker Drew Dudley has asked that question to hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and he’s yet to find an organization where the majority of employees are willing to call themselves leaders. That’s the problem this keynote will focus on solving.  

By making leadership into something bigger than ourselves, Dudley says, we fail to acknowledge the everyday leadership that affects us in innumerable ways. We need to redefine leadership as being a series of "lollipop moments"—those moments when something you've done has made someone else's life fundamentally better. How many lollipop moments occur every day? Dudley asks. And how many go unacknowledged? The most impactful leaders and the most successful organizations put a tremendous amount of focus on everyday leadership: making sure that it is fostered, acknowledged, and rewarded.  

A born storyteller with infectious energy, Dudley shares practical insights on how successful leaders create cultures of leadership in their own lives and within their organizations. Featuring examples that originate everywhere from small-town Canada to the deserts of Qatar, and characters that range from janitors to CEOs, this presentation will make you laugh, think, and reconsider the way you evaluate leadership in your life and workplace.

Conference Sponsors: 

Thank-you to our conference sponsors for their generous support of the 2015 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference! All sponsorship opportunities were sold out early!


Desjardins Insurance

Pyramis Global Advisors


Saskatchewan Blue Cross

The Co-operators

Group Medical Services (GMS)


CIBC Mellon

Sun Life Financial


Homewood Health

Industrial Alliance


Benefits & Pensions Monitor

March Luncheon Seminars

The Importance of Early Intervention When Managing Disability

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon

Thursday, March 12, 2015 – Luncheon at Hotel Saskatchewan, Regina

Employers who intervene soon after an employee is first disabled can assist them to return to work faster, which makes for a happier employee, while cutting disability-related costs. Connie Deschamps will provide an overview of best practices around early intervention and disability management. She will share insights into the challenges of managing disabilities and discuss solutions to deal with the barriers.

Connie Deschamps is the Western Canada Lead in Health and Productivity with Mercer. She has worked in the field of disability, health and wellness for 19 years. She has worked with employers in the private as well as public sector, in unionized and non-unionized environments. She has managed occupational and disability management teams and has designed and implemented numerous disability/health and wellness programs in a variety of settings. Connie has extensive knowledge of disability management and best practice.

Recap of Administration of Capital Accumulation Plans (ACAP) 1

Capital Accumulation Plans (CAPs), which include Defined Contribution pension plans, Group RRSP’s, Group TFSA’s, and Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSP's), shift the onus onto employees to save and invest for their own retirement. Employer responsibilities, however, have not disappeared and employers must educate themselves and their staff to ensure fiduciary responsibilities are met. Plan sponsors/Union Groups and Trustees must also ensure that they select the right CAP provider and CAP product, as well as choose and monitor appropriate investment funds to ensure they are meeting their obligations! ACAP, the acronym for Administration of Capital Accumulation Plans, has been developed by Humber College - Centre for Employee Benefits to address this need. ACAP is a unique interactive learning experience with content designed in consultation with a dedicated group of industry experts drawn from across Canada. This course provides education in the design, management and legal obligations required to provide and service CAP plans. The attendees leave with education to assist them and the members of the plans they administer to make informed decisions and to ensure they understand their legal obligations. 

ACAP consists of two one-week modules. ACAP 1 was recently offered in Regina and was met with great feedback. Watch for ACAP 2 coming soon!

Certificate in Employee Benefits

May 11 to 15, 2015 in Regina

CPBI Saskatchewan is pleased to announce that, in partnership with Humber College, we will be hosting the Certificate in Employee Benefits program in Regina the week of May 11th through 15th, 2015, for the first time in our region. This is the first of two seminars. During each seminar, attendees will hear from recognized and experienced compensation and benefits professionals and consultants, while examining case studies and engaging in workshops to enhance the learning experience. Topics include Total Compensation; Group Benefit Plans, Fundamentals, & Financing; Traditional & Non-Traditional Group Benefits; and a look at Income Security programs. Upon successful completion of both seminars, participants will qualify for the Certificate in Employee Benefits designation.

CPBI members are eligible to receive a 10% discount on their registration fees for Humber College programs organized by CPBI Saskatchewan. This discount also applies to organizations that have a CPBI plan sponsor group membership. The fees are as follows:

        CPBI Member: $2,155.50 (no taxes apply for this activity)

        Non-Member: $2,395.00 (no taxes apply for this activity)

Please indicate at the time of registration if you are a CPBI member.

For information regarding CPBI Membership, please click here.

For complete details regarding the Humber College Certificate in Employee Benefits program or To Register, please click here.

Pensions, Beyond the Basics

June 2 & 3, 2015, Delta Regina Hotel

The CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council is pleased to announce that a "Pensions, Beyond the Basics" 2-day seminar will be held on June 2 & 3, 2015 at the Delta Regina Hotel. This will act as a primer for the PPAC program. Sessions will include:

1. Introduction to Retirement Programs

2. Pension Plan Design and Pension Plan Financing

3. Pension Law and Pension Litigation & Legislation

4. Best Administrative Practices

5. Pension Plan Investing

6. Engagement of Pension Plan Members

Watch for complete details coming soon! 

Pension Plan Administration Certificate (PPAC) 1

If there is sufficient interest, CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council will start over with the PPAC 1 course in the fall of 2015! Please let us know if you are interested.    

CPBI Membership 

Click here to learn about the benefits of being a CPBI member.

CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council 2014-15


Bob Wilhelms   
Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Alana Shearer-Kleefeld   

Glenda Schlosser   
City of Regina

Trina Kistner   
Sun Life Financial

Past-Chairperson and National Board Rep.                
Doug Volk   
Teachers’ Superannuation Commission


Council Members   

Christine Taylor   
Capital Pension and Benefits Administration

Narinder Kempa   
The Co-operators

Rochelle Dobni   
Credential Financial Strategies

Don Rowell   
CUMIS Group Ltd.

Sylvia Rempel   
University of Saskatchewan

Tony Whitworth   
Board of Trustees, City of Saskatoon

Bud Anderson   

Erin Haresign   
Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan

Dara Sewell-Zumstien   
Public Employees Benefits Agency

Sheryl Armstrong   
Hundseth Power Line Construction

Kendra Dumont   
University of Saskatchewan 

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