CPBI Ontario Spring Newsletter


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CPBI Ontario Spring Newsletter


It has been another eventful Winter and Spring for the Ontario Region CPBI. Our Spring newsletter contains information about our many recent successful events and descriptions of upcoming events that you will not want to miss. We extend a hearty “Thank you”  to the many selfless industry volunteers who donate their time and professional expertise as CPBI continues to evolve as a revitalized organization that serves diverse stakeholders in the pension, benefits and investment industry. These continuous efforts ensure we offer multiple opportunities for thought leadership, networking, professional development, and staying abreast of trends.

Use the following links to engage with us.

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Ontario Council and Committee Members


CPBI Ontario's Reception and Annual Meeting
May 13, 2015

Join your pension, benefit and investment industry peers on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at Stratus Restaurant for CPBI Ontario's reception - including a brief Annual Meeting where CPBI Council will be introduced.  Set on the 36th floor of the TD South Tower, Stratus showcases the fantastic views of Lake Ontario, the CN Tower and Toronto Island.  The private dining room has been reserved for CPBI to host the reception, serving hors d'oeuvres and host bar.

Date:  May 13, 2015
Time:  5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location:  TD South Tower, 36th Floor, 79 Wellington St. W.
Cost:  Complimentary
Simply RSVP to:  CPBI Office with your name and company and any guests you may be bringing >> [email protected] <<


Ontario's Reception & Annual Meeting
Toronto - May 13, 2015

London Chapter's Spring Update
London - May 13, 2015

Just the Facts
Ottawa - May 26, 2015

FORUM 2015 - Defining Our Future
New York - May 25-27, 2015

Charity Golf Tournament Ottawa - August 19, 2015

2015 CPBI Ontario Regional Conference
Toronto - October 28-29, 2015

CPBI Ontario's Regional Volunteer Award

Congratulations to Natasha Monkman, the recipient of this year's CPBI Regional Volunteer Award.  CPBI is a not for profit professional association whose primary focus is to promote discussion, debate and learning about pensions, employee benefits, pension fund investment and other related issues through programs, conferences and networking opportunities such as the 2015 Ontario Regional Conference.  Natasha has served on the CPBI Ontario Regional Council since 2011.  She has provided outstanding support to the Ontario Region, serving on many volunteer committees and Chairing this year's Program and Conference Committee.  In doing so, she is helping the Ontario Region achieve its goal of providing outstanding educational content to its members.  Congratulations Natasha!

CPBI Ontario Meets its Mandate

A revitalized CPBI Ontario is building upon its tradition of hosting highly-valued informative networking and educational seminars and conferences for the benefit of our members and industry stakeholders.  

The CPBI Ontario Regional Conference is our biggest event of the year, bringing together experts from the various specialties of our industry to talk about new trends, new legislation on the horizon and best practices to help plan sponsors, service providers and others to plan for their future.  This year's conference will be held on October 28th and 29th - don't miss it!

The Signature Series  is comprised of three seminars that focus topical investments, pensions and benefits issues respectively.  This annual series hosts experts and panels to discuss the most up-to-date and important issues that our members face today.

CPBI Ontario has developed two Certificate Programs in partnership with HRPA - Pension Plans Certificate Program  and Canadian Benefits Certificate Program.   Each of these programs provide three levels of instruction resulting in a recognized and valued Certificate from HRPA and CPBI.  Each series is offered in the Spring and Fall and new in 2015, both will be offered in London as well as Toronto.

Read more about these programs here....


Ottawa Chapter Surveys its Members
Ottawa - November 28th

CPBI Charity Benefit
Toronto - February 6, 2015

London Chapter Euchre Night London - February 26, 2015 



Our Event Sponsors

Charity  Golf Tournament
Morneau Shepell
Great-West Life
Standard Life
Cowan Insurance Group
Coughlin & Associates
Aon Hewitt
Green Shield Canada
BBD Inc.
Desjardins Insurance
Manulife Financial
SSQ Financial
Sun Life Financial

Ontario Regional Conference
Desjardins Insurance
Green Shield Canada
Manulife Financial
Equitable Life
Standard Life
Aon Hewitt
Sun  Life Financial
Medavie Blue Cross
Eckler Ltd.
Manion Wilkins
Franklin Templeton
Canadian Western Trust
Corporate Benefit Analysts
Benefits & Pensions Monitor
Benefits Canada

Charity Benefit
Great-West Life
Green Shield Canada
Manulife Financial
Benefits Canada
Benefits & Pensions Monitor


In the News

On March 25th the Federal Department of Finance published the final text of changes to the pension investment restricition rules.  Plan administrators, investment managers and other service providers should be reviewing the relevatnt plan documentation to ensure they are ready to implement the changes.  Read the full article ....

The recent Ontario budget highlighted that the "government is considering feedback from the consultations and considering further analysis" ...It will announce its conclusions on the key design questions shortly.  Read the full article....

There has been plenty of activity this spring for those who have an interest or dealings in the pension, benefits or investment industry.  If you are an employer, human resources professional or pension plan administrator >>CLICK HERE<< for links to some of the bulletins that focus on the issues that are relevant to you related to the ORPP, and the April federal and Ontario budgets.  This is not comprehensive but gives you, our readers, a sample of some of the information that is available.
CPBI Ontario does not endorse any product, service, organization, company, information provider or content.

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