Volunteer for CPBI Saskatchewan!


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Volunteer for CPBI Saskatchewan!


Application - download here

Skills Matrix - download here

Do you or someone you know have knowledge and/or experience in the benefits, pension or investment field? We are looking for individuals with knowledge or experience within the benefits, finance, event planning, investment, and legal realms to volunteer their time and expertise to help with Council activities.

The CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council is inviting members who are interested in serving on the regional council or one of its committees to submit their interest in writing. This year there are three vacancies to fill on Council. Kindly complete the Application and Skills Matrix and return them to the CPBI Saskatchewan Region office by March 16, 2018.

CPBI's Saskatchewan Regional Council meets bi-monthly except in the summer. It oversees the work of committees in a number of key areas, including communication, professional development, conference planning, sponsorship & membership, finance, and governance. Committees meet as frequently as required. The above application includes a summary of the committees and their mandates.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our office at 306-757-1013 or via email at [email protected] and a member of Council will be happy to respond to your questions.

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