CPBI Saskatchewan Winter Newsletter


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CPBI Saskatchewan Winter Newsletter

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CPBI Saskatchewan News

Winter Newsletter - February 2018

In This Issue

  • CPBI Saskatchewan 2018 Regional Conference 
    • Featured Sessions
    • Conference Sponsors    
  • Kick-off Evening Dinner with Susan Stewart
  • Highlights of November's Member Appreciation Reception
  • Upcoming Breakfast & Luncheon Seminars 
  • Pension Plan Administration Certificate (PPAC) 3   
  • Call for Nominations for 2018 Volunteer Award
  • Call for Volunteers for CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council
  • CPBI Membership  
  • 2017-18 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council    
  • Thank you to our 2017-18 Program Sponsors   

CPBI Saskatchewan 2018 Regional Conference 

The 8th annual CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference "Ignite & Energize: Powering the Future" will be held on April 17, 18 & 19, 2018, at DoubleTree by Hilton in Regina.


Join us as industry experts share and discuss their thoughts around how to engage plan members and employees, new and innovative products and services that can engage and excite your member base, and how you can spark an idea that fuels a future of powerful possibilities.


Featured Sessions

Panel Discussion: Energize Your Organization's Future Communications


     John Hallett, Retirement Strategist, Sun Life Financial


     Katherine Strutt, General Manager, Saskatchewan Pension Plan

     Trevor Davis, Assistant Director, Pension Programs, Public Employees Benefits Agency

     Troy Milnthorp, Senior Managing Director of Corporate Funds, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

A distinguished panel of representatives from Saskatchewan pension and benefits organizations will discuss best practices as it relates to communicating plan benefits to members and other important stakeholders. The goal of the panel is to share experiences and challenges that are facing pension and benefits industry today from a Saskatchewan perspective. The discussion will surround what they have done, both successfully and unsuccessfully, to engage their membership through traditional and modern communication channels. This will be an informative experience that will allow you to ask questions of leaders within the Saskatchewan pension and benefits industry.


George Kourounis, Award-Winning Explorer, Renowned Global Adventurer, Host of Angry Planet

Flirting With Disaster

Most people try to minimize the amount of risk they face in their lives. George Kourounis explains why this way of thinking rarely produces great results, and how your comfort zone is a terrible place to be. It is only when we embrace our fears and use them as a motivating force instead of crippling us into inaction, that we are really able to achieve great things that we never thought possible. In this thought-provoking and anecdotal talk, Kourounis relates how he has been able to manage risk, fear, and reward in some of the most hostile and dangerous environments where risk takes on true life-or-death meaning. These lessons can be directly transposed onto daily decision-making in all areas of our lives.


Leon Ferguson, Vice President, Bridges Health

Creating Customer Centric Cultures

In today's fast-paced, immediate results-orientated business world, companies are constantly faced with finding solutions and balancing what works to keep both internal and external customers happy. They are constantly faced with common questions such as: 

1. What is the balance that is required to achieve satisfaction for the employees and ensure overall satisfaction is met for the customers?

2. What do we need to have to ensure we are positioning ourselves for a strong culture and successful customer service?

3. Where do we start?

4. How much will this cost us?

This interactive conversation will cover some of the areas that have yielded development and sustainability of strong and powerful teams, cultures, and long-term customer relationships.

Learn how Bridges Health became what it is today – a multiple award-winning company that prides itself on strong culture and customer service.

In this context, the importance of the following elements will be explored:

• Core Fundamentals – Keep these tools in good shape and always use them.

• Effective Listening and Communication – Be present in the conversation.

• Resiliency – Enjoy the journey.

• Appreciation – This is not just an external customer process.

• Leader and Team Support – Take care of your team and they will take care of you.

• Have Fun – Manifest health, positive thinking, and fun, and great things will happen.


Darci Lang, Motivator & Organizational Change Expert

Focus on the 90%

Prepare to be inspired by Darci’s message! Darci uses one simple tool — a magnifying glass — to reframe how we view our jobs, our co-workers, our clients, and our families. This powerful presentation is an incredible opportunity for your group to examine where each person is focusing their magnifying glass. There will always be 10%'s and the power we give to those 10%'s affects every aspect of our lives. Using this one simple tool, Darci demonstrates how anyone can change their focus and make interactions with others more positive and productive. Challenges occur within every environment. It’s how we approach these challenges that set each of us apart. By using our magnifying glass to focus on the 90%, we can focus on where we want to be, how we can get there together in a supportive manner and still have something left for our families at the end of the day. 


Conference Sponsors

Thank you to our conference sponsors for their generous support of the CPBI Saskatchewan 2018 Regional Conference! 



The Co-operators 

Sun Life 

Lawson Lundell LLP 

Greystone Managed Investments Inc.

Morneau Shepell

RBC Investor & Treasury Services

Desjardins Insurance  

Saskatchewan Blue Cross



iA Financial Group

Homewood Health


Russell Investments Canada Limited

Benefits and Pensions Monitor

Kick-off Evening Dinner with Susan Stewart

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at DoubleTree by Hilton in Regina 

5:00 p.m. Cocktails

6:00 p.m. Dinner

7:00 p.m. Your New Lenses are Ready for Pick Up: Harnessing

                the Powers of a Positive Mindset

                Susan Stewart, Author & Comedian Bringing out the

                Lighter Side of Life

The cost for this event is included in your Conference Registration Fee. 

Dinner tickets are available for guests not attending the conference, at a rate of $75.00/CPBI Member or $137.50/Non-Member.

Click here for complete details or to register!


Highlights of November's Member Appreciation Reception  


CPBI Saskatchewan held a Member Appreciation Reception on November 8, 2017, at Mano's Restaurant and Lounge in Saskatoon. Guests enjoyed the camaraderie, the door prizes, and a variety of elegant hors d'oeuvres!


       Photo Credit: Sylvia Rempel


Upcoming Breakfast & Luncheon Seminars   

       Group Insurance Underwriting 101   

       Tuesday, February 13, 2018 – Breakfast at Double Tree by Hilton in Regina

       Wednesday, February 14, 2018 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel Saskatoon


This presentation will provide a look at the different risks covered under benefit plans, and ultimately how insurers determine premium rates and renewal adjustments. Join us as Lucian Schulte, Vice President at Aon Hewitt, covers topics that include: benefit design, credibility, disability considerations, and underwriting arrangements.


       How Much do you Need to Retire?   

       Wednesday, March 14, 2018 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel Saskatoon

       Thursday, March 15, 2018 – Luncheon at Double Tree by Hilton in Regina


In today’s volatile economic environment, retirement income adequacy is top of mind for employees and plan sponsors. Regardless of your employment situation, this age old question still remains valid: “How much should I be saving for retirement?”. This session will explore:

• The “true” meaning of retirement income adequacy;

• The validity of various models being used today to test retirement income adequacy;

• Issues facing employees and sponsors as it relates to retirement needs;

• Strategies for sponsors to consider to enhance financial literacy for their employees; and

• What the future may hold for retirement income adequacy.


Troy Milnthorp, Senior Managing Director of Corporate Funds, Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (top left)

Louis Martel, Managing Director & Chief Strategist, Client Strategy & Innovation, Greystone Managed Investments Inc. (bottom left)


       Rights, Responsibility, and Respect   

       Wednesday, May 16, 2018 – Luncheon at Radisson Hotel Saskatoon

       Thursday, May 17, 2018 – Luncheon at Double Tree by Hilton in Regina


In this presentation, a legal team member from the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission will focus on human rights policy and application, and will explore recent cases that have affected pension, benefit, and disability plans.


Pension Plan Administration Certificate (PPAC) 3 

The Pension Plan Administration Certificate (PPAC) 3 session will be presented in Regina on March 12 to 16, 2018. This is the third of three modules in the PPAC program offered in partnership with Humber College. PPAC is designed for anyone from pension plan administrators, to HR professionals in the industry, to pension committee members.

Registration Fee: 

     CPBI Member: $2,335.50 (no taxes apply for this activity)

     Non-Member: $2,595.00 (no taxes apply for this activity) 

For information regarding CPBI Membership, please click here.   

For complete details regarding the Humber College PPAC program, please click here.   

TO REGISTER, please email Karen Lovelace at [email protected].


Call for Nominations for 2018 Regional Volunteer Appreciation Award


The success of the Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute (CPBI) depends in large part on the volunteers who contribute their time, knowledge, and expertise. Recognizing their passion, dedication, and commitment to CPBI is an integral part of who we are as an organization. Annually, we have the opportunity to recognize a volunteer from our Saskatchewan Region.

Who is eligible for the award?  
Both active and past CPBI members are eligible for the award. The criteria for award nominees are:

  • Helps CPBI to achieve its mission or purpose at the regional level
  • Provides outstanding support such as meeting facilitation, workshop leader, trainer, and other support
  • Provides other contributions to CPBI (e.g. speaking engagements, long-time membership, etc.)

How do I nominate someone for the 2018 Award?    
We invite you to submit nominations for the Regional Volunteer Appreciation Awards by clicking the link below:

Submit your nomination

Deadline for nominations is March 16, 2018.


Who has won the Saskatchewan Regional Volunteer Award in the past?  
Past recipients of the Saskatchewan Regional Volunteer Award are:

  • 2017 – Glenda Schlosser
  • 2016 – Trina Kistner
  • 2015 – Bob Wilhelms
  • 2014 – Doug Volk
  • 2013 – John Hallett
  • 2012 – Tracy Young-McLean
  • 2011 – Kay Robertson
  • 2010 – Janet Folk
  • 2009 – Marg Romanow
  • 2008 – Narinder Kempa
  • 2007 – Dave Kapeluck


 Call for Volunteers for CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council!


Do you or someone you know have knowledge and/or experience in the benefits, pension or investment field? We are looking for individuals with knowledge or experience within the benefits, finance, event planning, investment, and legal realms to volunteer their time and expertise to help with Council activities.

The CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council is inviting members who are interested in serving on the regional council or one of its committees to submit their interest in writing. This year there are four vacancies to fill on Council. Kindly complete the Application and Skills Matrix and return them to the CPBI Saskatchewan Region office by March 16, 2018.

CPBI's Saskatchewan Regional Council meets bi-monthly except in the summer. It oversees the work of committees in a number of key areas, including communication, professional development, conference planning, sponsorship & membership, finance, and governance. Committees meet as frequently as required. The above application includes a summary of the committees and their mandates.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our office at 306-757-1013 or via email at [email protected] and a member of Council will be happy to respond to your questions.


CPBI Membership


Choose to be part of the largest community in the industry! Sharpen your skills and expand your professional network!

Click on the following for details: 

2017-18 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council


Chair: Dara Sewell-Zumstien, Public Employees Benefits Agency

Vice-Chair: Vacant

Treasurer & Past-Chair: Alana Shearer-Kleefeld, 3sHealth

Secretary: Kelley Orban, Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan

National Board Representative: Doug Volk, Teachers’ Superannuation Commission  

Council Members:

     Narinder Kempa, The Co-operators

     Sylvia Rempel, University of Saskatchewan

     Nikki-Lynn McKeague, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

     John Salmond, GMS

     Troy Shanks, Blackstone Insurance & Benefits

     Andrea Johnson, Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority

     Colette Wagner, Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.

     Chad Corbin, Saskatchewan Blue Cross

     Raymond Parsley, City of Saskatoon General Superannuation Plan

     Jeremy Sloan, BMA Benefits Division


Latest News

Volunteer Application is now open!
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A great opportunity to join a dynamic group of volunteers and fellow professionals !

Behind the scenes of CPBI Regional Council of Ontario
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An interview with our Regional Council Member

Thank you to CPBI Northern Alberta's 2024 Partners
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Thank you for supporting us!

CPBI Ontario Welcomes its New Council Members
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The CPBI Regional Council of Ontario is pleased to announce its new members for 2024. Congratulations to all of them!

JOIN CPBI (new member) Contest
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