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A Holistic Approach in the Disability Management WorldJune 16, 2010 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThis session will explore the management of illness cases focusing on a holistic approach. Identifying abilities rather than disabilities is the new best practice and is a more positive approach to assist employees re-entering the workplace. Speakers: Jane Standing, ASEBP; Lynn Norris, ASEBP. Host: Holly Bevan, The ECM Group. Breakfast at 7:30; session at 8:00
Event: 23 of 80 Registered
The Whole Kit and Kabboodle - The Total Rewards StoryApril 21, 2010 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThe proverbial question for employers - how do we most effectively attract, retain, develop and encourage our people? A key business challenge for any organization is how to optimize where the organization focuses its' time, effort and money with respect to employee offerings - where to get the biggest bang for its bucks. Our session will look at trends in taking a total reward perspective, why this is important and how the pension and benefits' offering fits. This is an information and interactive session so please come prepared to share your stories and learnings. Speaker: Diane Panting, AON Consulting, Winnipeg, Host: Robert Thiessen, Aon Consulting Breakfast at 7:30; seminar at 8:00 Please note: the prices listed do not include GST.
Event: 24 of 80 Registered
Hot Topics in Pension and Benefits LawMarch 17, 2010 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonCurious about the latest trends and challenges in pension an benefit law? Be sure to register for this interesting session to find out more. Presenter: Donald Figol, Mercer (Canada) Inc; Host: Tom O'Reilly. Breakfast 7:30; session 8:00-9:00. [Breakfast at 7:30; session at 8:00.]
Event: 44 of 80 Registered
Pension Plan CommunicationsMarch 10, 2010 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThis session will provide the basics of creating and implementing an education and communication strategy. Presenter: Maureen Simons, Hewitt Associates; Host: Bob Thiessen, Aon Consulting [Breakfast at 8:00; session at 8:30.]
Event: 6 of 80 Registered
Pension Plan FinancingFebruary 25, 2010 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonPension Plan Financing. This session will introduce participants to the financing of a pension plan. Presenter: Bob Thiessen, Aon Consulting; Host: Sharon Vogrinetz, The Alberta Teachers' Association. This session introduces participants to the financing of a pension plan. [Breakfast at 8:00; session at 8:30.]
Event: 3 of 80 Registered
HR Strategies in the Changing WorkforceFebruary 17, 2010 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonAs the veteran and baby boomer population leave the workforce, employers are having to fill those physical and knowledge gaps with a new crop of workers. This panel discussion will identify what Edmonton's workforce demographics currently looks like and factors impacting the supply of skilled workers now and for the future. This seminar will assist us in understanding the differences between the four generations represented in today's workforce; identify this group's values and needs; discuss how HR professionals have had to evolve to attract and retain them and how employee benefit plans need to respond to the increasing diversity of today's workplace. Presenters: Angela Anderson, APSC; Brenda Nylund, EEDC; Mark Razzolini, ABC. Host: Elaine Shannon, ASEBP. Breakfast at 7:30; session at 8:00.
Event: 30 of 120 Registered
Investments for PensionsFebruary 11, 2010 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThis session will focus on the basic concepts relating to pension fund investments. Presenter: Wally Jaciuk, Bank of Montreal; Host: David Schneider, LAPP. This session will focus on the basic concepts relating to pension fund investments. [Breakfast at 8:00; seminar at 8:30.]
Event: 2 of 80 Registered
Regulatory and Legal Framework for PensionsJanuary 27, 2010 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThis session will provide a background of the legislation governing pension plans in Canada and Alberta. Presenter: Mark Prefontaine, Alberta Finance and Enterprise; Host: Tom O'Reilly, Field LLP. [Breakfast at 8:00; session at 8:30.]
Event: 3 of 80 Registered
Investment Fund Manager SelectionJanuary 20, 2010 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonInvestment Fund Manager Selection, Hiring and Firing. Speaker: Ron Abraham. The motivation to change a pension fund's investment manager can arise from several factors: a shift in the fund's structure; a change in a manager's organization or philosophy; or simply disillusionment with the manager's performance. Hiring, firing and monitoring investment managers is one of the most important, and yet, frustrating duties faced by pension plan sponsors. This session will examine how best to select an evaluate investment managers; what factors should be considered and what mistakes to avoid. Breakfast 7:30; session 8:00.
Event: 14 of 120 Registered
Introduction to PensionsJanuary 14, 2010 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThis session will provide a brief overview of the Canadian retirement income system. Information provided here will serve as a base for more detailed discussions of key pension plan matters in subsequent pension basics sessions. Presenter: Dave Schnore, Universities Academic Pension Plan; Host: Margaret Biamonte, Enbridge Pipelines. If enroling for all 5 sessions please register at the Pension Basic Series (5 pack) for a discount. [Breakfast at 8:00; session at 8:30.]
Event: 7 of 80 Registered
Investment Forecast 2010December 16, 2009 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThree panel members will discuss market behaviour into 2010. A question and answer period will follow. Speakers: Derek Brodersen, CIO, ATRF; John Crouse, VP, Johnson Inc and Filip Ksiazkiewicz, AIMco. [Breakfast at 7:30; Session at 8:00.]
Event: 29 of 50 Registered
Wellness ROI: strategies and resultsNovember 25, 2009 8:00 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonWellness ROI: strategies and results – The CPBI of Northern Alberta invites you to join Kevin Kwan, President of Kwantum Inc., for a lively and fun look into ways companies can encourage and support their employee’s healthy choices while improving your business. Innovative employers recognize that strategic wellness programming is about investing in people, and not just the bottom line. Kevin will cover the topic of Wellness ROI, a presentation that will take a closer look at best practices for wellness programs, and how to realize and demonstrate results, with examples and strategies you can use in your business. Management, Human Resources and Benefits professionals who are responsible for employee wellness and development are encouraged to attend this session.
An update on Parental and Maternity LeaveOctober 21, 2009 8:00 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonAn update on Parental and Maternity Leave :: Sharon Vogrinetz :: The CPBI Northern Alberta Council is pleased to offer an update on the current policies for maternity and parental leave, the human rights decisions that prompted parental rights, employment insurance and top-up plans, and the latest decisions which impact the rights of moms and dads. Sharon Vogrinetz, Coordinator of Teacher Welfare for The Alberta Teachers’ Association, is responsible for ensuring that the information and administration provided to teachers on these topics is accurate and timely. Sharon will provide an overview of the human rights and arbitration cases that resulted in paid maternity leave, as well as the application of the Employment Standards Code on these leaves. She will also discuss the application of sick leave and long-term disability and supplementary employment insurance benefits for employees on maternity leave Benefits professionals who are responsible for liaising with employees and providing information on this complex topic are encouraged to attend this session.
Event: 15 of 120 Registered
What you might wish for in a retirement planSeptember 16, 2009 7:30 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonNO SURPRISES! What you might wish for in a retirement plan Rein Selles and Jim Yih Traditional goals around retirement might include travel, time at a lake or visiting with family. Today, however, those goals can be simplified into one key priority – please, no surprises! The volatility of markets, the uncertainty of pension income, the changing value of residential property and the return of adult children may mean retirement plans feel like one continuous roller coaster ride into the future. Rein Selles and Jim Yih, will join us for a fun and informative look at retirement. Rein is President of Retirement/Life Challenge Ltd. and specializes in Retirement Education and Lifestyle Planning. Jim Yih is a professional speaker and author in the area of Financial Planning for Retirement. Join Rein and Jim in this special full morning seminar.
Event: 1 of 100 Registered
Direct-to-Consumer Genetic TestingJune 17, 2009 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonTHE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE USELESS?: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing ---- Timothy Caulfield will discuss the recent emergence of direct-to-consumer genetic testing, including Google's, and its potential effects on healthcare in Canada. Will your employees want this in your company's benefits plan? Will pension plan members make elections based on information from these tests? Timothy Caulfield, LLM, FRSC, holds the Canada Research Chair in Health Law & Policy, and is the Senior Health Scholar, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, a Professor of the University of Alberta Faculty of Law and School of Public Health, and Research Director of the Health Law Institute.
Event: 7 of 120 Registered
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