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Communication - Eliminate the NoiseApril 16, 2014 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Pensions, Benefits, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonStaying ahead means having a clearly defined rewards strategy and one that sets you apart from the competition. In today’s world organizations are facing aggressive competition each day for their employees’ attention. Ever-evolving emerging technologies and social media trends create all kinds of noise that can be hard to ignore – and it’s only going to get louder from here. Your organization has an important message to get across: it’s about the numbers that truly affect your talent – the numbers that make up their total compensation. But, how do you get them to pay enough attention to and understand what those numbers really mean? Join Mercer experts to learn how your organization can harness today’s rapidly advancing technology and stay one step ahead of the competition when it comes to telling your total rewards story. Bio Sharon Vanderwerff is a Principal in the Communication business of Mercer's Toronto office. She partners with clients in designing and implementing communication and education strategies aligned with business objectives and geared to employees through effective use of integrated multimedia communication. Sharon brings 25 years of corporate communication strategy development, research, change management communication and project management experience to her assignments
Event: 27 of 80 Registered
National Webinar - Fixed Income Paradigm ShiftMarch 27, 2014 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMBroadcasted Webinar, Eastern Time Zone (EST) Area of Interest: Investments Format: Web
Achieving a Return on Investment for Employer Sponsored Wellness InitiativesMarch 19, 2014 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits Format: In PersonA case study from the ASEBBP on their Healthy Living Program will be presented as well as discussion on the ASEBPs integrative, long term and collaborative approach to wellness initiatives. Also described will be the predictive analytics and modelling to determine a return on investment.
Event: 53 of 80 Registered
National Webinar - Forecast of Drug Costs in the Private Drug Plan Market, 2013-2017February 27, 2014 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMBroadcasted Webinar, Eastern Time Zone (EST) Area of Interest: Benefits Format: Web
Event: ‘Event Full’
Fraud Prevention UpdateFebruary 19, 2014 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Pensions, Benefits, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonFraud Prevention Update. Insight will be provided into current trends and the landscape of fraud that is affecting your organization's bottom line. Presenter: Joel Alleyne, Executive Director, Canadian Health Care Anti-Fraud Association. Host: James Formesky, Alberta Blue Cross. Prices below do not include GST.
Event: 28 of 80 Registered
National Webinar - Available Opportunities From Predictive Modelling and Wellness Business CaseJanuary 30, 2014 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMBroadcasted Webinar Area of Interest: Benefits Format: Web
PIPA UpdateJanuary 15, 2014 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonWhat happens now that the Supreme Court tossed out Alberta's private sector privacy law? Where do we go from here? The privacy regime in Canada will be extensively terraformed by the Supreme Court's decision in Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v United Food and Commercial Workers. Are we back to square one? Join the discussion!Presenter: Margaret Shane, Alberta Teachers' Association. Host: Sharon Vogrinetz, Alberta Teachers' Association. Please note prices below do not include GST.
Event: 36 of 80 Registered
Economic Forecast 2014December 11, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonEconomic Forecast 2014. Presenter: TBA: Host: Damon Callas, Aon Hewitt. Please note prices below do not include GST.
Event: 29 of 80 Registered
Pooled Retirement Plans - Almost Here!November 13, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonPooled Retirement Plans - Almost Here!? Presenters: Ellen Nygaard, Alberta Treasury Board and Charlene VanderGriendt Manulife Financial; Host: Tom O'Reilly, Field Law
Event: 34 of 80 Registered
Total Compensation CommunicationOctober 16, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonTotal Compensation Communication. Presenter Shannon Wand, Towers Watson. Host: Margaret Biamonte, Enbridge Pipelines
Event: 46 of 80 Registered
Sanofi Canada Healthcare SurveySeptember 18, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonSanofi Canada Healthcare Survey. Presenter: Art Babcock, Aon Hewitt. Host: Elaine Shannon, the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan. Please note: Prices below do not include GST ($45 member/$65 future member)
Event: 40 of 80 Registered
Attracting and Retaining Employees with Benefits and Wellness ProgramsJune 19, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonLearn about BP Canada's ground breaking employee flex and wellness plan that has set the bar for plan sponsors. Host: Lonnie Law, Alberta Blue Cross, Presenter: Dug Dickson, BP Canada Energy Group ULC and Julia Graham, Towers Watson. Note: prices below do not include GST
Event: 31 of 80 Registered
Privacy UpdateMay 22, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonAlberta’s privacy awareness and legislative efforts to protect personal privacy and manage access to information have been growing apace with technology’s challenges to our “right to be left alone.” This session will examine what contemporary privacy looks like and why we should care how the balancing act between corporate / state interests and individual rights is playing out. Transparency, privacy awareness, and access to information savvy are empowering and the session will highlight how. But there remain strong arguments that counter universal transparency. This session will also look at those situations where transparency creates more problems than it solves. Host: Sharon Vogrinetz, Alberta Teachers`Association. Presenter: Margaret Shane, Alberta Teachers' Association. Note: prices below do not include GST
Event: 24 of 80 Registered
Retirement TransitionApril 17, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonLearn strategies to assist your staff in their transition to retirement. Host: Chris Archibald, Alberta Corporate Human Resources, Presenter: Bob Donlevy Note: Prices below do not include GST. Personal cheque, corporate cheque or cash are acceptable forms of payment. Personal cheques and cash do not enjoy corporate exempt status.
Event: 31 of 80 Registered
Primary Care Network and Family Care NetworksMarch 20, 2013 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonLearn more about the primary care network and family care networks. Host: Lorraine Wohland, City of Edmonton. Presenter: Dr athryn Andrusky. Note: Prices below do not include GST
Event: 35 of 80 Registered
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