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National Webinar - Keeping drug plans sustainable through unparalleled growthJanuary 26, 2017 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMOnline - Eastern Time Zone Area of Interest: Benefits Format: Web
Beyond Stigma: Increasing Our Understanding of Mental Health in the WorkplaceJanuary 18, 2017 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Pensions, Benefits, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonIn today's society there remains a lack of awareness and sometimes bias regarding mental health issues. This wellness session will assist participants enhance their understanding of the personal and environmental factors which can have an impact on mental health; the common signs and symptoms of mental health issues and the most appropriate prevention and intervention strategies. Host: Elaine Shannon, Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan
Event: 41 of 80 Registered
Have We Reached the Bottom Yet?December 14, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMAlberta Teachers Association, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Pensions, Benefits, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonIn this talk, ATB Financial's chief economist Todd Hirsch explores the events that impact our economy--both globally and closer to home. As we move into the end of 2016, the global economy remains tentative. The US continues to pick up steam, but troubles are brewing both in Europe and Asia. Canada’s economy is also struggling to gain traction and oil prices continue to bounce around at levels unsupportive of new investment in Alberta. All of this adds up to a still challenged economy. As the province struggles through its second year of recession, the question on many people’s minds is how long will this last? Have we seen the worst of it, and if so when can we expect recovery? For over 20 years, Todd has worked as an economist at numerous organizations including the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Canada West Foundation and the Bank of Canada. For almost a decade, Todd taught economics at the University of Calgary. He released his first book, The Boiling Frog Dilemma: Saving Canada from Economic Decline in 2012 and his second, Halfway Home in 2016.
Event: 56 of 80 Registered
Webinaire national - Regard sur le futur de l’industrie pharmaceutique canadienneDecember 8, 2016 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMWebinaire En-ligne, Heure de l'Est Area of Interest: Benefits Format: WebThis webinar is presented in French
Webinaire national de l'ICRA -Optimiser le profil rendement-risque de son portefeuille obligataireNovember 30, 2016 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMOnline - 1 PM EST Area of Interest: Investments Format: Web
Insight on CPP ExpansionNovember 16, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Pensions, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonJoin us as Dave Mulyk speaks on the June 2016 agreement in principle for the expansion of the Canada Pension Plan. Host: Lorraine Wohland, City of Edmonton.
Event: 67 of 80 Registered
National Webinar - Pharmacogenetics in the workplaceOctober 27, 2016 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMOnline Area of Interest: Benefits Format: WebWhen it comes to getting the right drug to the right patient for optimal results, pharmacogenetics could be a game changer ...
Cannabis at Work, October 19, 2016October 19, 2016 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits, Networking Format: In PersonJoin us as Alison McMahon describes the history of the topic in Canada; the regulatory framework; case law and the workplace; employer's duty to accommodate and duty to maintain a safe work environment; current forms of coverage; group insurer challenges and the effects of marijuana legalization on the workplace. Host: Jan Farquharson, Cessco Fabrication and Engineering
Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey, October 18, 2017September 21, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits, Networking Format: In PersonThe annual Sanofi Canada healthcare survey is a recognized Canadian instrument that provides valuable information to plan sponsors and employers. The 2016 survey responses have been compiled. The results provide information for sponsors and employers to consider as they review their benefits and wellness programs and determine specific initiatives to ensure a healthy workplace and provide supports to employees. The CPBI Northern Alberta Council is pleased to welcome Art Babcock of Aon Hewitt Consulting to present the survey results. Art is a member of the Sanofi-Aventis Healthcare Survey Advisory Board. Art is Senior Vice-President at Aon Hewitt in Calgary and has provided benefits advisory services to public and private sector plan sponsors for over 30 years. He is active in the industry as an educator, author and speaker and in addition to CPBI, holds membership in The International Society of Certified Employee Benefits Specialists, and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. Art has a Master's degree in Business Administration as well as the CLU and CEBS designations. Benefit plan sponsors, human resources and benefits professionals who are responsible for benefit plan design and policy development, strategic initiatives for competitive benefits as an attraction and retention tool and health and wellness promotion within their organization are encouraged to attend this session.
Event: 0 of 80 Registered
Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey, September 21, 2016September 21, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits, Networking Format: In PersonThe annual Sanofi Canada healthcare survey is a recognized Canadian instrument that provides valuable information to plan sponsors and employers. The 2016 survey responses have been compiled. The results provide information for sponsors and employers to consider as they review their benefits and wellness programs and determine specific initiatives to ensure a healthy workplace and provide supports to employees. The CPBI Northern Alberta Council is pleased to welcome Art Babcock of Aon Hewitt Consulting to present the survey results. Art is a member of the Sanofi-Aventis Healthcare Survey Advisory Board. Art is Senior Vice-President at Aon Hewitt in Calgary and has provided benefits advisory services to public and private sector plan sponsors for over 30 years. He is active in the industry as an educator, author and speaker and in addition to CPBI, holds membership in The International Society of Certified Employee Benefits Specialists, and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. Art has a Master's degree in Business Administration as well as the CLU and CEBS designations. Benefit plan sponsors, human resources and benefits professionals who are responsible for benefit plan design and policy development, strategic initiatives for competitive benefits as an attraction and retention tool and health and wellness promotion within their organization are encouraged to attend this session.
Event: 53 of 80 Registered
Don't Get Hosed! Fraud Prevention Update - June 15, 2016June 15, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits, Networking Format: In PersonUnfortunately, fraud occurs in every financial industry including the group benefit industry. The best way to reduce the cost that fraud can have on a group benefit plan is to develop a risk mitigation solution that involves the insurance company, the advisor, the plan sponsor and even the employees. This session will provide an overview of the fraud landscape in Alberta, the sorts of fraud that have been identified, and ideas on how everyone from the insurance company to the employee can work together to minimize fraud risk and therefore, fraud cost, on a group benefit plan.
EDB Management/Case Law - May 31, 2016May 31, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonJoin Jeremy Taylor, Field LLP as he discusses EDB Management/case law. Host: Lisa Everitt, Alberta Teachers' Association.
FORUM 2016May 16 - 18, 2016 5:00 PM to 1:00 PMThe Westin Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Area of Interest: Pensions, Benefits, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonIn a world with turbulent economy and disruptive technology, what will be the New Deal that the pension and benefits industry must prepare for?
Benefit Plan Sustainability: Time for Action - Where to Start? (Half-Day am) - April 20, 2016April 20, 2016 7:30 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Benefits, Networking Format: In PersonJoin us as Perry Dorgan, Aon Hewitt explores the future of benefits in this exciting half day session. Host: Sharon Vogrinetz, Alberta Teachers' Association. Opening comment by Minister of Health Sarah Hoffman will open the session and will provide some information on strategies being considered by Alberta Health.
Pension Plan Assessments and 2016 Update - March 16, 2016March 16, 2016 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Area of Interest: Pensions, Investments, Networking Format: In PersonJoin us for a pension update by Paul E Owens, Superintendent of Insurance and Haripaul Pannu, Senior Manager, Risk Management, Alberta Treasury Branch and Finance. Host: Chris Archibald, Corporate Human Resources
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