The CPBI Atlantic Regional Conference enjoys an expanding reputation for being informative, relevant, entertaining and well attended. Our always popular event, now celebrating its 15th anniversary, returns this year to scenic Prince Edward Island. Delegates will gather October 2-4, 2019 at the stylish Delta Prince Edward, immediately adjacent to the Prince Edward Island Convention Centre and overlooking the bustling waterfront of historic Charlottetown.
In keeping with our venue, the conference theme this year is “No Plan Is An Island.” Just as Prince Edward Island is linked to the rest of Canada, and the world, by bridge, ferries, cables, airplanes and airwaves, so are pension and benefit plans inextricably connected to influences outside the control of the sponsor…member behavior, longevity, regulatory authorities, investment markets, domestic and foreign governments, traditional media and social media…the list goes on. Come and join us on the Island to gain valuable insights from an array of distinguished speakers and from networking with our peers and clients.
Thank you for your interest! Our 2019 CPBI Atlantic Conference has SOLD OUT !
Please look for details on our 2020 CPBI Atlantic Conference at The Algonquin Resort, St. Andrews, NB (October 7-9, 2020).
Members Only Registration will open May 1, 2020.