8:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET | BREAKFAST |
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ET | Head, Heart and Hands – An Inside Look at Mental Health Matters and our Path Forward
Amy Deacon, Clinical Social Worker/Founder, Toronto Wellness Counselling Julie Gaudry, Head of Group Benefits, RBC Insurance Mental health has long been an important focus for Canadian employers and employees. And as we emerge from more than two years of pandemic related impacts to our health, we face new challenges that perhaps we didn’t expect. Join Julie Gaudry as she invites Amy Deacon to do a deep dive on how Canadians are really feeling, how this is also impacting corporations, and what we can do to improve our mental wellbeing personally, and collectively at work. Expect this session to be personal, relevant and evidence-based, filled with powerful insights and strategies that will leave you more informed, motivated and empowered than before to make meaningful changes to support your mental wellbeing. |
| S5 - Pension Blue Print to a Pension Plan Nisha Singh, Senior Consultant PBI Actuarial Consultants Ltd. If you were to design a new pension plan today, how should it look like? In this interactive session, we will discuss: - Different plan provisions, industry trends, pros/cons, and their underlying cost, and
- Different benefit designs pros/cons (e.g., % of contributions, flat dollar, etc.).
- What the funded position of plans with different possible designs starting today might be in the future (projections of funded ratio and FR and contribution excess/shortfall).
Finally, we will review projections with a higher benefit rate but no subsidies and discuss which is more important or more equitable. who should attend: Plan sponsors, new Trustees, employers, union leaders. S6 - Benefits COVID-19: Legal Considerations for Return to the Office and a Litigation Update George G. Vuicic, Associate, Hicks Morley LLP COVID continues to affect the workplace even after a return to largely in-person activities. Employers are faced with new challenges on how to maintain a healthy and respectful workforce while keeping their employees engaged and increasing retention. In this legal perspective Georges Vuicic will address some of the challenges that employers are facing: mainly, how to address employee requests for continued remote work, vaccine mandates and social distancing practices, as well as, related privacy and safety concerns. He will also present an overview on litigating the COVID-19 fallout and trends in employee claims. S7 - Investment The Value of Risk Modelling to Diversify Your Portfolio Risk and Optimize Your Asset Allocation Caroline Grandoit, Global Head of Total Portfolio Solutions, Fiera Capital
David McGowan, Vice President, Strategic Asset Allocation, BCI As plans become more sophisticated in their investments, understanding the types of investment risk in your plan become more important. The use of asset and risk modelling is an evolving area that plan sponsors should consider as their portfolios and the economic environment evolved. This session will discuss the various types of portfolio investment risk in pension plans and how to use asset modelling strategies to: - identify your exposure to the various types of investment risk in your portfolio
- understand the impact and risk exposure of adding new investment strategies
- analyze your target asset mix and understand your optimal risk/return profile
S8 - Français Mieux-être et avantages sociaux : la nouvelle donne William Lindsay, Conseiller Service aux preneurs en gestion et prévention des invalidités, Desjardins Assurances Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, de nombreuses entreprises ont ajouté des couvertures et des services à leur régime d’assurance collective. Elles n’en avaient pas nécessairement les moyens, mais entre la dégradation de la santé des salariés et la guerre des talents, elles n’ont pas eu le choix. Deux ans plus tard, il est temps de dresser un bilan et de voir quels avantages sociaux sont les plus pertinents pour faire face aux nouveaux enjeux de santé. Au cours de cette conférence, nous identifierons les risques qui, en 2022, pèsent encore sur la santé des salariés, et les options des régimes collectifs les plus à même de les réduire. Plus généralement, nous explorerons les nouvelles tendances dans les avantages sociaux et réfléchirons aux multiples leviers dont disposent les dirigeants pour maintenir « des employés sains dans une compagnie saine ». Cette séance permettra aux participants : - d’identifier les nouveaux risques qui pèsent sur la santé des employés canadiens en 2022 et leur impact pour les entreprises;
- d’analyser les tendances qui ont émergé durant la pandémie dans le domaine des régimes collectifs, et plus généralement, des avantages sociaux;
- de comprendre les objectifs et les leviers d’une stratégie de santé globale couvrant les cinq sphères du mieux-être;
- d’identifier les actions et politiques qui contribuent à créer un environnement de travail sain et sécuritaire.
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET | LUNCH & Keynote 12:00 PM - Lunch 1:00 PM - Keynote
Innovate or Die! Pablos Holman Computers have infiltrated every area of our lives and our companies. These computers have given us intoxicating knowledge, powers and capabilities. Yet, the systems we use are vulnerable to all kinds of misuse. Opportunity lies here for innovators, some of whom have created entire new industries, some of whom have found ways to wreck havoc on nearly all of us. Pablos is a hacker with a deep understanding of these issues. In his address, he will show how the mind of a hacker works and how it can be deployed for the right reasons or wrong reasons.
Pablos was part of the early Cypherpunks community where many of the new technologies and the philosophy around them originated. Cyptocurrency since the 1990s; artificial intelligence for the stock market in the 2000s; and the depths of cybersecurity, Pablos has a unique point of view on the future of finance and banking. Whether inspiring institutional audiences at SWIFT, Credit Suisse & Fidelity or groups like Singularity University and the World Economic Forum at Davos, Pablos is one of the extraordinary few who can demystify these technologies and the potential they to bring to the world.
By creating a process of “team sport invention,” Pablos and his team became the most prolific inventors in America –There is a lot to learn about innovation from people working at one extreme end of the spectrum and Pablos will be talking about how they get ahead of the rest of the world and invent for the near future. |
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM ET | CPBI Annual General Meeting (CPBI Members Only) |
| S9 - Pension Communication in the Digital Age Leyla Imanirad, Chief Empowerment Officer, Pensionbar Have you ever met anyone feeling excited to attend a retirement planning session?! For many people learning about retirements and planning for it are associated with inertia, confusion and boredom! This results in general lack of financial literacy in this space, despite the great need for it. The industry needs to undertake a serious effort to enhance the users’ customer experience, a remote concept in the pension administration field today. The enabling components of user experience are literacy, planning, execution and integration. These elements have to be improved and placed in the member’s head in such a way as to produce personal insights. Attend to learn:
- How to strike a balance between accuracy and simplicity to engage the user in the process and obtain actionable information
- How to use existing technologies in the field of visualization and computation to encourage the user to learn about drivers of pension benefits
- How to integrate fragmented pension data to allow the use of machine learning and AI to generate insights for retirement decision making, a task currently outsourced to the user (or his/her advisor) using a host of heuristics and rules of thumb
S10 - Benefits Make Better Decisions: Applying Real World Evidence in Health and Disability Plans Chris Bonnett, Principal Consultant, H3 Consulting
Daria O’Reilly, Lead Health Economist, Telus Health
Ned Pojskic, Vice President, Pharmacy Benefits Management, Green Shield Canada As costs rise, you may be wondering about the value of health benefit plans. You’ve heard about “real world evidence” (RWE) but aren’t sure if it applies to your plan. This session will explore RWE and how data can be collected and used to guide high-value drug plan spending. RWE is the key to understanding value from economic, clinical and human perspectives. Given the rapid growth of highly specialized new drug treatments – already over 10% of drug spending – multiple sources of health information need to be quickly organized, shared and tracked to establish their value across the labour force and over time. Cancer will be used as a focal point for RWE, since the disease is prevalent, complex and costly for employers, patients, caregivers and society. Learn the potential of RWE and how your organization can play an important role in its development. Learning Objectives - How the changing environment affects workplace drug plans and access to new specialized therapies.
- How real world evidence (RWE) can be used in private health plans.
- The economic criteria used to assess new therapies, and differences between private and public drug plans.
- How carriers are responding to challenges of collecting and using RWD and RWE on new high-cost therapies, and steps being taken to educate their markets.
- Consider how payers, pharma and others can collectively prepare the market for value-based assessments
Who should attend?
Insurers, benefit advisors, pharmaceutical industry, specialty pharmacy, large employers, unions S11- Investment The Impact of Rising Inflation on Your Investments: Strategies to Combat the Impact of an Inflationary Environment Rachel Volynsky, Chief Investment Officer, Mercer Global Investments Canada Limited
Denise Kehler, Head of Delegated Portfolio Management, Canada, WTW and Integra Capital Limited Canada and the world are seeing inflation at record levels not seen since the 1990s. For pension plan members, and their investments, finding ways to maintain returns that keep up with inflation is an ongoing challenge. Central banks must increase interest rates to combat inflation but this is detrimental to traditional fixed income vehicles and global equity markets are reaching new highs. This session will look at a variety of investment strategies, including the use of inflation linked asset classes, to help offset some of the impact of high inflation and help pension plans, and plan members achieve their targeted rates of return. S12 - Français Résilience des employés : comment l’accroître – et renforcer le rendement organisationnel JM Lavoie, Vice-président régional, développement des affaires, Régimes collectifs de retraite, Sun Life Québec
Alexandra Laflamme-Sanders, Vice-présidente adjointe, produits et solutions, Garanties collectives, Sun Life, Québec
La résilience de votre organisation dépend de nombreux facteurs – la technologie, les finances, les opérations et plus encore. Mais il y a un facteur individuel essentiel qui est souvent négligé : la résilience des employés.
Qu’entend-on par résilience des employés? C’est la faculté de s’adapter en réponse à des événements inattendus. C’est ce qui nous aide à nous relever après les difficultés. Cela comprend les inquiétudes concernant les finances, les problèmes de santé mentale liés au travail ou à la vie personnelle, ou les difficultés touchant la santé physique.
Même si ce sont des préoccupations individuelles, elles entraînent aussi des répercussions à l’échelle de l’organisation. Un effectif résilient peut se traduire par une productivité accrue, une baisse des absences et des épuisements professionnels, et un meilleur taux de conservation. La bonne nouvelle, c’est que les niveaux de résilience ne sont pas statiques. Les promoteurs peuvent prendre des mesures pour aider à accroître celle de leurs employés. Et surtout, les employeurs peuvent poser des gestes et opter pour des solutions qui favoriseront le renforcement de la résilience des employés.
| S13 - Pension Decumulation: The Why & How for Plan Sponsors
Frederick Vettese, Actuary and Retirement Expert Pat Leo, VP, Longevity Retirement Solutions, Purpose Investments
The session will be a discussion featuring Frederick Vettese, former Chief Actuary at Morneau Shepell (now called Lifeworks). Fred has written four books on retirement, and his third book, “Retirement Income for Life,” became the country’s best-selling book on retirement planning. Fred will provide insights into why plan sponsors should incorporate decumulation within their DC Plan, as well as how a plan sponsor might implement a decumulation strategy. Finally, both Fred and Pat will provide insights into the types of investments that make sense within a decumulation strategy and share examples of the types of innovation that are taking place in the decumulation space in Canada and beyond.
Attend to learn: - Why plan sponsors might offer a decumulation strategy
- How plan sponsors can build a decumulation strategy
- The types of investments to consider within a decumulation strategy
- Innovation within decumulation solutions in Canada and beyon
Target Audience:
DC Plan Sponsors, Record Keepers, DC Consultants, Group Advisors
S14 - Benefits Disability and Return to Workplace Dan Licoppe, Director, Maximum Benefit, Johnston Group
Addie Greco-Sanchez, President, AGS Rehab Solutions Inc. This session will explore how after two years into a global pandemic, COVID-19 has impacted short term and long-term disability claims incidence and duration. Participants will also learn how employee mental health has been impacted; solutions to support employees remain at work and return to work including practical tips from real success stories. Attend to learn: - Learn the factors related to COVID-19 that have impacted STD and LTD incidence and duration, and what employers can expect moving forward
- how COVID-19 has impacted employees’ mental health and what to expect moving forward
- Understand where our predictions about the impact of COVID-19 on disability plans were accurate and inaccurate
- Identify benefits plan solutions for employers to support employees remaining at work and returning at work after absence due to disability
- How to create workplace strategies to ensure successful return to work plans or sustain stay at work plans
- Resources and accommodation “toolkit” from credible sources e.g. the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and other tools to ensure you provide positive psychological support to your employees.
S15 - Investment ESG Integration, from Policy to Portfolio Emily Lawrence, Director of Sustainable Investing, Northern Trust Asset Management Today, more than ever, a growing cohort of global investors are looking to integrate material ESG insights into the investment analysis and risk management process. Despite its rise in popularity, investors are recognizing considerable challenges with moving forward, particularly given the rapid pace of growth in capabilities on the market. This session will examine some of the drivers behind this growth, observations on practical steps towards due diligence and implementation, as well as perspective on opportunities to support the demand for enhanced, consistent and standardized ESG datasets and disclosure practices. There is an opportunity as key players within the investment management ecosystem to join forces and drive industry attention to common priorities. This session will aim to present practical approaches to ESG investing and thoughts on processes to overcome the challenges that we face as asset owners and asset managers.
Attend to learn: 1) Examine the reasons driving growth in investor attention and adoption of sustainable investing 2) Review the drivers of climate change investment risk 3) Approaches to investment due diligence on sustainable strategies 4) Thoughts on driving common processes to foster more sustainable corporate disclosure and practices
Who should attend: This session will appeal to plan sponsors who are considering integrating sustainable investing into their investment process.
S16 - Français Repenser l'avenir : Extraire les possibilités Philippe Lagacé, Conseiller principal, assurance collective, Mercer Marsh Avantages Sociaux Si la santé et le bien-être physiques sont des aspects primordiaux pour les employés, votre regime d’avantages sociaux mérite également d’être revu. Les forces structurelles qui touchent les perspectives financières et professionnelles des employés ont aussi une incidence sur leur regime d’avantages sociaux. Il est essentiel d’aider avant toute chose les équipes de RH à instaurer une culture de la bienveillance. Dans une entreprise où tout le monde se sent en sécurité, traité équitablement et encouragé à faire part de ses problèmes, les employés sont plus enclins à profiter des avantages sociaux – numériques, personnalisés et autres – dans lesquels la direction investit. Un tel climat améliore le moral des employés et, en fin de compte, la productivité et le résultat de l’entreprise. |
6:15 PM - 9:30 PM ET | Revive your Senses with the Best of Montreal An evening of Mixology, Sumptuous Food and Performing Arts. |
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM ET | After hours Jazz & Nightcap Between the two World Wars, Montreal was known as the Harlem of the North. Come join us while we serve up some Jazz - Montreal style. |