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FORUM 2025 JUNE 2 - 4
Congratualtions to our most recent Hall of Fame Inductee,Sherry Lee Gregory
Thank you to all the Partners of CPBI Ontario in 2025 for their support.
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Congratulations to....
This session will cover the Employment Insurance regular benefits application process, requirements while on a claim and the importance of records of employment. We will also go over the work sharing program, which helps employers to prevent layoffs and promote talent retention while supporting employees. We will take a brief look at EI specialty benefits that are available if you or a loved one is off work due to illness of injury, and covers those who are expecting as well as new parents
Thiané is a Citizen Services Specialist with Service Canada focusing on Community Outreach and Liaison Services. In this role, she is responsible for informing Canadians about the benefits available to them and assisting them with the application process. She works with community groups, partner organization and individuals to reduce barriers and encourage benefit uptake.
Registration Fee
CPBI Members: $65
Future Members: $130
Table of 6: $325
CE Credits Certificates of Attendance confirming education hours will be offered, with which attendees may seek corresponding accreditation via their preferred regulatory body. 1 CE Credit will be offered in partnership with The Insurance Council of Manitoba and the Life Insurance Council of Saskatchewan.