October 4 - 22, 2012 8:00 AM to 11:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta
In Person
Benefits Basics: The Series:
March 22, April 5, April 19 and May 3
Session 1: Benefits Begin Here: An Introduction to the World of Group Benefits: Host: Bruce Mills, Manulife Financial, Presenter: Brian Rennie, Aon Hewitt
Session 2: The Inside Scoop - Understanding Claims and Cost Management: Host: Lorraine Wohland, The City of Edmonton, Presenter: John Goode, Belay Advisory Group
Session 3: Forging New Pathways - Emerging Trends in Benefits, Host: Bruce Mills, Manulife Financial, Presenter: Chris MacDonald: Manulife Financial
Session 4: Highway to the Future - The Power of Technology. Host: Giselle Evans, Presenter: Parnell Houweling, Mercer; Giselle Evans, Finning Canada; Donna McPherson, Great-West Life.
Note: Fees below do not include GST