Michael Hasenstab, Ph.D. (Speaker) Executive Vice President - Chief Investment Officer, Templeton Global Macro Michael is executive vice president and chief investment officer for Templeton Global Macro, which conducts in-depth global macroeconomic analysis covering thematic topics, regional and country analysis, and interest rate, currency and sovereign credit market outlooks. Templeton Global Macro offers global, unconstrained investment strategies through a variety of investment vehicles ranging from retail mutual funds to unregistered, privately offered hedge funds. Michael is economic advisor to the CEO of Franklin Resources, Inc., providing his perspective and insight through the lens of Templeton Global Macro. In addition, he is a member of Franklin Resources' executive committee, a nine-member group responsible for shaping the company's overall strategy. Michael initially joined Franklin Templeton Investments in July 1995. After a leave of absence to obtain his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, he rejoined the company in April 2001. He has worked and traveled extensively abroad, with a special focus on Asia. He has received numerous industry accolades throughout his career. Michael holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management at Australian National University, a master's degree in economics of development from the Australian National University, and a B.A. in international relations/political economy from Carleton College in the United States. |