Pension and Institutional Investing for the New Normal
June 25, 2020 - ONLINE
10AM-12PM PST | 1PM-3PM ESTDon't miss this 2-hour webinar with two fantastic speakers: |
Soheil Mahmoodzadeh, Chief Econometrician for CWB Financial Group, will be providing Canada economic update. He will also discuss deflation/inflation and negative interest rates. Michelle Richardson, Consultant for George & Bell Consulting, will discuss the impact of the current environment on institutional investors and address some of the asset allocation questions that investors are facing. |
Those who could be interested in this webinar are: Pension, Benefit and Investment professional involved in Administration, Management and Governance aspects with respect to Investments - Including Investment Managers, Plan Sponsors, HR Professional and Benefit Plan sponsors. |
 | Soheil obtained his PhD in Economics from Simon Fraser University in 2015. Upon receiving a research position offer, he decided to join the Economic Department at University of Cambridge in UK. In 2017, he joined Canadian Western Bank (CWB) risk group and currently he works as the Chief Econometrician.
Soheil MahmoodzadehChief Econometrician,
CWB Financial Group |

| Michelle has worked in the pension and investment fields for over 8 years, analyzing and advising clients on investment matters.
She has worked with defined benefit and capital accumulation pension plans as well as endowments, foundations and trusts. Her experience includes investment monitoring, investment policy design, asset allocation, manager searches and record-keeper evaluation.
Prior to joining George & Bell, Michelle worked for 8 years at a global consulting firm. She started as a pension administrator, then worked in the investment consulting department as an analyst and was promoted twice to the position of Investment Consultant. Michelle was a member of the firm’s Canadian Defined Contribution Committee, helped manage and train the local analyst team, and chartered a Toastmasters club at the organization’s Vancouver office.
Michelle RichardsonConsultant,
George & Bell Consulting |
CE Credit: Certificates of Attendance confirming education hours will be offered, with which attendees may seek corresponding accreditation via their preferred regulatory body. |
We hope to see you there ! |
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