Morneau Shepell’s annual Trends in Human Resources survey canvasses Canadian employers on what they are planning for the coming year, and asks HR Leaders about the opportunities and challenges they face. Caylee Stewart, Senior Customer Success Manager from Morneau Shepell, will share the 2018 survey results which covers the following areas:
• HR priorities for 2018;
• Expected changes in compensation;
• Improving health, engagement and productivity;
• Reducing the cost of absence and disability; and
• Optimizing retirement plans.
The presentation will have a targeted focus on mental health in the workplace.
Schedule: Registration: 11:30 am, Lunch: 11:45 am, Presentation: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
CE Credit: This session qualifies for 1 Continuing Education credit for the Insurance Council of Saskatchewan (one credit per hour).
Luncheon Fees:
CPBI Member: $40.00 including GST
Student Member: $25.00 including GST
Non-Member: $86.25 including GST
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