CPBI Ontario Fall Newsletter


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CPBI Ontario Fall Newsletter

Message from the Chairperson

The many members who volunteer to serve on the CPBI Ontario Regional Council continue to actively explore opportunities to revitalize the programs and networking events available to our members and stakeholders with an interest in the pension, benefits and investment industry. A special thank you to the members of Council for their countless selfless hours contributed as well as a big thank you to the volunteers who also support our initiatives. Collectively they make CPBI Ontario great. We have had another successful year, however, we want to build on our achievements and thus encourage input from all of our members and industry stakeholders. We do not have a lock on innovation and welcome contributions and suggestions from our broad member base. Please tell us what you like, what you would like to see us do more, and what we should consider to make the CPBI more meaningful to you. Send us an email at [email protected] - we very much look forward to receiving your input!

2015 promises to be a very busy year. CPBI Ontario will feature events that highlight topics of interest to our members, while also providing ever-important networking opportunities. Our offerings include interesting thought-provoking speakers, a charity benefit, seminars, educational opportunities, our annual Regional Conference, plus events hosted by our chapters in Ottawa and London. Don’t miss out. CPBI Membership is per calendar year, so a gentle reminder to renew your membership now. For those considering joining, a frequent question is “What are the benefits of membership?”. When you join CPBI you benefit from recognized educational and networking offerings across Canada designed to help you learn, grow, and excel in your role as a stakeholder in the pension, benefits or investment field. Browse http://www.cpbi-icra.ca/CPBI-Membership  for more detailed information and to apply.

With year-end now clearly in view, many will be pausing to spend time with family and friends to celebrate in ways that are traditional and meaningful, or perhaps new, to you. On behalf of the CPBI Ontario Regional Council, enjoy the season and best wishes for a safe and Happy New Year.

Joyce Stephenson, Chairperson
CPBI Ontario Regional Council


CPBI Charity Benefit
Toronto - February 5, 2015 

The 2015 Charity Benefit will be held on February 5, 2015, at the Liberty Grand Complex on the CNE grounds in Toronto. Last year’s ‘70s themed event was a huge success and raised over $41,000 for Crohn's and Colitis Canada, whose mission is to find a cure and improve the lives of children and adults affected by these chronic diseases. By popular demand, the next event takes us into the next decade: the '80s. We have some exciting and very special guest hosts joining us....



2015 Investment Trends
Toronto - January 20, 2015

CPBI Charity Benefit
Toronto - February 5, 2015

FORUM 2015 - Defining Our Future
New York - May 25-27, 2015


2014 CPBI Ontario Regional Conference
Kitchener - October 1-3, 2014

By all measures, the 2014 CPBI Ontario Regional Conference was a great success! Delegates enjoyed a morning of golf and networking on the opening day at the Cambridge Golf Course. We then officially kicked off the conference with an evening welcome reception where delegates were able to meet and mingle with colleagues.  The next couple of days offered excellent plenary and workshop sessions on a variety of pension, benefit and investment topics....



London Chapter's "The Chef's Club"
London - November 6, 2014

2014 Pension & Benefits Update
London - October 21, 2014

Living to 100? Myth or Reality...
Ottawa - September 18, 2014

Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Ottawa - August 20, 2014

CPBI Ontario Annual Meeting
Toronto - April 30, 2014


In the News

New pension, benefits obligations for employers coming
Companies with employees in Ontario, particularly companies that sponsor or administer employee benefits plans, will be affected by the passage of Bill 21, the Employment Standards Amendment Act (Leaves to Help Families), 2014, says a Borden Ladner Gervais Pension Alert.....

Consultation Starts on ORPP
The Ontario government is now soliciting feedback on the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) design and implementation process through a series of targeted questions for employers and employees....

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